Changelog for Lists & Items
Last Updated: January 19, 2021
v 0.12 (2021-1-19)
ADDED: shortcode option to show empty terms using show_empty
FIXED: minor code error
FIXED: google map code loading method
FIXED: RTL text alignments
FIXED: load eventon scripts using new function load_evo_scripts_styles()
FIXED: use get_terms() to retrieve terms for taxonomies
v 0.11 (2020-8-27)
FIXED: Minor styles on the front end
FIXED: description showing twice for items
v 0.10 (2020-8-7)
ADDED: compatibility with speakers addon to show speaker image and descripion in list
FIXED: font awesome icon compatibilty
v 0.9 (2019-11-25)
FIXED: php compatibility issues
FIXED: javascript error on list shortcodes
REQ: eventon 2.8.2
v 0.8 (2019-11-12)
ADDED: List as boxes style to show color filled boxes
ADDED: Locations in box style to have correct layout
ADDED: Notice for when there are no terms in taxonomy
UPDATED: Styles for the lists boxes style
FIXED: Compatibility with eventON 2.8
v 0.7 (2018-12-21)
FIXED: single item based list not passing the base values in ajax
v 0.6 (2018-11-15)
ADDED: shortcode option to show events list as past or upcoming events
UPDATED: lists to pass all calendar arguments when clicking on an item
v 0.5 (2018-3-13)
FIXED: language variable not passing to show correct translations
v 0.4 (2017-2-28)
FIXED: other calendar ux_val switching to lightbox incorrectly
FIXED: List showing part of inside section for some – styles
v 0.3 (2017-1-19)
FIXED: Events not clickable once opened from lists
FIXED: Default event opening to lightbox
UPDATED: Font family support for eventon 2.5
v 0.2 (2016-10-10)
FIXED: other calendar version open events as lightbox
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.4.7
v 0.1 (2016-7-19)
Initial release
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