EventON CYBER Sale starting soon!

11/20 PST

Changelog for Event Lists Ext.

Last Updated: October 21, 2024


v 1.0.4 (2024-10-21)
FIXED: separate month listing all future events into one month

v 1.0.3 (2024-9-23)
ADDED: support for tomorrow for date range
FIXED: date range custom value incorrections
FIXED: end date range calculation

v 1.0.2 (2024-2-21)
FIXED: event list date range calculation to use calendar timezone

v 1.0.1 (2023-8-21)
FIXED: concatenate style path

v 1.0 (2023-5-19)
FIXED: end range +/- days and months value incorrection
FIXED: number of months value not working when event list type = date range
FIXED: show no events message when there are no events on entire calendar
FIXED: event count not set with event_count_list to show all the events
FIXED: Compatibility with eventON 4.3
FIXED: several PHP 8.2 compatibilities
FIXED: removed unused script file

v 0.22 (2021-12-3)
ADDED: Missing POT file for backend translations
FIXED: missing date range support for +/- days and +/- months

v 0.21 (2020-12-16)
FIXED: non ajax calendar month order not working correct

v 0.20 (2020-10-12)
ADDED: Ability to show a list without month ordering
FIXED: date range today not accounting for end day of today – Thanks Pim
FIXED: past event list with current time cutoff showing current month in past
FIXED: last day of month not showing
FIXED: upcoming events list end date getting pushed to next month

v 0.19 (2020-6-26)
FIXED: feature event priority when event count for entire calendar set not working
FIXED: date range not showing current month in today date range

v 0.18 (2020-2-20)
FIXED: filter not working in events list

v 0.17 (20202-10)
FIXED: current timestamp undefined error
FIXED: single month date range not showing any events
FIXED: date range events not working correct to show date limits

v 0.16 (2020-1-3)
FIXED: 12 months past list showing all events in one month at end
FIXED: date range not separating the months

v 0.15 (2019-12-12)
ADDED: Ability to order months in an events list in DESC order
FIXED: cal_init_nonajax returning no events in calendar

v 0.14 (2019-11-25)
FIXED: past events list not showing current month events

v 0.13 (2019-11-19)
FIXED: past events list date parsing error
FIXED: upcoming events list showing multiple events
FIXED: Hide multiple occurance not working
FIXED: Various malfunctions of shortcodes
REQ: EventON 2.8.1

v 0.12 (2019-11-12)
FIXED: Styles issues with separate months
REQ: EventON 2.8

v 0.11 (2019-4-16)
ADDED: ux_val support for shortcode generator for event lists ext.
ADDED: date range based calendar to support today and rightnow
FIXED: shortcode atts passing array declaration
FIXED: Event order not recognized

v 0.10 (2018-6-12)
FIXED: Current month tab showing on event list
FIXED: fixed date cut off is not passing values correct

v 0.9 (2017-9-28)
ADDED: Custom date range based event lists
FIXED: Styles to load correctly on https domains

v 0.8 (2016-1-20)
FIXED: Error when start or end time is not set
FIXED: Hide multiple occurance making events not show with other calendars
UPDATED: Support for eventon 2.5 concatenated styles
REQUIRED: Eventon 2.5

v 0.7 (2015-10-27)
ADDED: Support to separate events by months
FIXED: No space above calendar when no title set
UPDATED: etop_month shortcode variable not needed any more

v0.6 (2014-9-18)
FIXED: Addon initial check and compatibility with eventon 2.2.18

v 0.5 (2014-9-10)
UPDATED: Compatibility with Eventon 2.2.17
FIXED: Users shortcode variable compatibility with actionUser

v 0.4 (2014-8-22)
UPDATED: Shortocode generator options to support more of the global variables
FIXED: Not activated error solved

v0.3 (2014-6-1)
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.2.12

v0.2 (2014-5-20)
FIXED: slowness in wp-admin

v 0.1 (2014-2-13)
Initial release

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