Show events from current logged-in user

November 2, 2021

The ActionUser addon makes it possible to assign users to events and you can learn more from this tutorial: How to assign users to events.

If you also use the ActionUser front-end submission form, you can set it via settings so the registered user that creates the event will be assigned to the event he created.

ActionUser > Event Submission Form > Assign logged-in user to event after successful event submission.

Once you have done this you can use the below code to create a calendar that will only show the events that are assigned to current logged-in user (of your site).

You can place this PHP code inside a PHP file in your theme template where ever you need this calendar to show.

Method #2:

Since ActionUser v1.8 you can do this with the below shortcode

That will show events only from the current logged-in user. However, this shortcode will show all the events if the user is not logged in.

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