How to Add Extra Event Data to the JSON Output

Last Updated: February 21, 2025

The API addon is the go-to addon when you are looking to add extra meta data to the JSON array. In the below example we are going to add a subtitle for an event in the JSON data output.

To get started with this, paste this code into your main theme’s functions.php file

add_filter('evoapi_event_data', 'evoapi_add_moredata', 10, 3);
function evoapi_add_moredata($event_data, $event_id, $event_pmv){
		$event_data['subtitle'] = $event_pmv['evcal_subtitle'][0];
	return $event_data;

You can then make any other adjustments to this code. You can find all event post meta variable names here

Once this is done the JSON string will include the subtitle field as you can see below.



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