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Changelog for ActionUser Plus

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

 v 1.2.1 (2024-7-23)
FIXED: font for submittion purchase page
FIXED: php 8.2 compatibility

v 1.2 (2024-5-10)
ADDED: Event submission orders menu to woocommerce in wp-admin
ADDED: Event submission info on order details section
ADDED: User submission data on order edit page
FIXED: undefined order ID error on cart
FIXED: settings link from plugins page
FIXED: front-end styles
FIXED: Woocommerce HPOS compatibility

v 1.1.4 (2022-3-30)
FIXED: thousand separator html error
FIXED: multiple submissions allowing even with no submissions left
UPDATED: front-end styles for the form

v 1.1.3 (2021-11-3)
FIXED: submission form attributes not passing correct to form
FIXED: editting submitted events reducing submission credits

v 1.1.2 (2021-8-30)
FIXED: redirect after submission not working for paid events
FIXED: form headers using a global value
FIXED: evoaup_get_submission_form() error on lightbox code

v 1.1.1 (2021-7-20)
FIXED: woocommerce associate product exist validation
FIXED: form header and subheader not passing into paid submission form

v 1.1 (2020-5-21)
ADDED: submission level color
ADDED: User profile to show all paid submission counts
ADDED: Level based submission level into submission form
ADDED: Submission level information on edit submitted event action user meta box
FIXED: Supported event fields not saving in settings
FIXED: login link not using the saved eventon global login link
FIXED: settings icon compatibility with new font awesome
FIXED: empty levels to not show in submission form
FIXED: if no level fields are selected to not show any extra fields in form
UPDATED: submission counts box in order page
UPDATED: front end submission level design

v 1.0.3 (2019-11-12)
FIXED: Missing notice function in main class
FIXED: event submissions purchased with ticket not creditting submissions
FIXED: when creating submission levels to show only selected fields
FIXED: field order not correctly reflecting on front end form

v 1.0.2 (2019-3-19)
FIXED: Missing translations text strings
FIXED: login button text issue
FIXED: Teer level submission event fields not translatable
UPDATED: show purchase tickets option before user loggedin

v 1.0.1 (2018-10-5)
FIXED: Missing language translations
FIXED: admin script not loading correct on https
FIXED: uncaught error issue fixed when saving settings

v 1.0 (2017-9-19)
ADDED: level based submissions system
ADDED: Ability create unlimited submission levels with event field permissions
ADDED: Ability to set custom price for each submission level
ADDED: Ability to sort submission levels in backend
ADDED: users can see additional submission level purchase button on event submission page
ADDED: save event submission page URL to order items
ADDED: Support to redirect to cart page upon adding to cart
FIXED: not running through all the orders to get remaining submissions
FIXED: paid submissions Woo product save as catalog hidden item
UPDATED: order complete details page to get message about submitting events

v 0.5 (2017-6-16)
ADDED: Event submission page link into customer emails
ADDED: option to disable date time editing for paid submitted past events
ADDED: ActionUser version check
FIXED: WC3 compatibility issue

v 0.4 (2017-3-30)
ADDED: Interactive plus minus quantity adjuster
FIXED: inaccurate submissions left calculation
UPDATED: Addon initiation process
UPDATED: Addon dependancy validation

v 0.3 (2016-12-14)
FIXED: Events not visible to users that are not loggedin to the site
FIXED: currency symbole not required for cost

v 0.2 (2016-11-21)
FIXED: current user role events display bugs

v 0.1 (2016-11-12)
Initial release

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