Changelog for Bookings

Last Updated: October 4, 2024

v 1.4.5 (2024-10-4)
FIXED: Ticket v 2.4 compatibility

v 1.4.4 (2024-8-27)
ADDED: show remaining space count
FIXED: Selected block color not changing
FIXED: certain lightbox booking calendar not working
UPDATED: layout and styles for calendar

v 1.4.3 (2024-8-7)
FIXED: clicking on block loading data into other event booking sections as well
FIXED: cart error notification not hiding
FIXED: block date and time format to match that of website
FIXED: lightbox block calendar layout
FIXED: Lightbox block calendar switch month skipping a month

v 1.4.2 (2024-5-30)
FIXED: script loading and enqueue order in relation to tickets
FIXED: booking block manager styles
FIXED: click on times block reset error messages
FIXED: minor styles
FIXED: block date and time format to match that of eventON settings
FIXED: Able to add filled blocks by swiching block to cart
FIXED: update all available block capacity
FIXED: Time slot view styles
FIXED: Block information not showing in confirmation ticket
FIXED: Block Manager attendee count fix
UPDATED: Moved appearance settings to separate file
UPDATED: Event Ticket 2.3

v 1.4.1 (2023-8-3)
ADDED: eventon tickets environment setup check before initiate addon
FIXED: minor style issues
FIXED: reset ticket notice message when calendar date clicked
FIXED: block editor has variations incorrection tooltip
FIXED: init addon after tickets is initiated

v 1.4 (2023-7-12)
FIXED: public released incompleted seat feature by accident
FIXED: sold individually not honored in booking blocks
FIXED: Mobile syles
FIXED: lightbox booking calendar responsive styles
FIXED: PHP 8.2 errors
FIXED: calendar circle highlight overlaying on others
FIXED: tickets standalone button for events with booking not working
UPDATED: Moved booking manager to new dynamic lightbox system

v 1.3.2 (2022-1-25)
FIXED: ux_val=3a not loading booking calendar on event
FIXED: deleting block from block lightbox not showing success message
FIXED: auto generator variations not updating block stock

v 1.3.1 (2021-6-2)
FIXED: end time not working on timeslot view
FIXED: validate users can not add more than available blocks to cart by manipulation
FIXED: hide empty blocks on frontend not working
FIXED: front end calendar lang value not passing correctly
FIXED: calendar resizing for unopen booking calendars
FIXED: blocks in the cart quantity to be uneditable
FIXED: updating block stock to update ticket stock as well

v 1.3 (2021-2-18)
ADDED: Delete all time slots button on block edtior
ADDED: sanitize_text_field for XSS vulnerability
ADDED: booking editor compact view
ADDED: booking editor auto generator slots within time range for selected date range
ADDED: option to hide end time for booking slot
ADDED: option to show duration of booking slot on front end
ADDED: booking block manager edit button when hover over block
FIXED: booking slot month/day names not using translated text
FIXED: missing block time text string in cart
FIXED: booking editor when no slots
FIXED: booking editor sunday name not showing
FIXED: auto generator duration 0 minute option
FIXED: nomenclature clarification to blocks instead of slots

v 1.2.2 (2020-9-7)
FIXED: Minor admin post errror
FIXED: add new booking slot time reverting to 1970

v 1.2.1 (2020-6-12)
FIXED: Minor style issues resolved
FIXED: options not working in event edit page

v 1.2 (2020-6-11)
ADDED: timeslot view for frontend
ADDED: option to choose calendar or timeslot view for frontend
FIXED: slidedown eventcard not showing booking calendar
FIXED: correct text domain in text translations on wp-admin side
FIXED: after adding to cart calendar not hiding
REQ: eventON 1.8

v 1.1.1 (2020-3-3)
FIXED: minor style changes

v 1.1 (2020-2-19)
ADDED: Style appearance customization via eventon appearance settings
FIXED: calendar month switching not working for some users
FIXED: go to today button for the caledndar not working
FIXED: booking calendar appear squished in smaller eventcards
UPDATED: Booking calendar designs and UI improvement

v 1.0.7 (2019-11-12)
FIXED: If booking ticket show block time instead of event time for customer
FIXED: Ticket holder details to show only block time
FIXED: missing translation texts
FIXED: To hide sold out booking slots on frontend
FIXED: JSON stringfy issue on month navigation
FIXED: Compatibility with eventON 2.8

v 1.0.6 (2019-1-18)
FIXED: booking calendar not appearing sometimes on events

v 1.0.5 (2018-1-7)
FIXED: Months not showing correct number of days
FIXED: Calendar styles

v 1.0.4 (2018-12-21)
FIXED: december last week not splitting up correct in calendar view
FIXED: booking slot timeformat not adjusting to global values

v 1.0.3 (2018-12-11)
FIXED: bookable date with HTML start and end separation
FIXED: evobo script error for other ajax submissions
FIXED: Event block time to show under checkout additional ticket info
REQUIRED: Ticket 1.7.7

v 1.0.2 (2018-6-21)
FIXED: booking slot time showing incorrect for 24hr format
FIXED: Adjusted for the correct local time

v 1.0.1 (2018-5-29)
REMOVED: unused settings page
FIXED: Incorrect label for block form
FIXED: View attendees not highlighting block
FIXED: lightbox booking calendar styles
FIXED: events loaded via ajax not showing booking calendar

v 1.0 (2018-5-10)
ADDED: Admin variable ticket notification for booking addon
ADDED: Booking information to show in attendee information
ADDED: Compatibility with tickets add more items to cart after add to cart
ADDED: when booking start date changed alter end date
ADDED: New javascript JSON based calendar based booking date selector
ADDED: booking data to download attendees CSV file
ADDED: New backend booking editor
ADDED: Backend booking editor to also show attendees per each booking slot
FIXED: Event edit colors to be compatible with eventon 2.6.6
FIXED: missing price text on final stage
UPDATED: better javascript based UI for view attendees by time block
UPDATED: frontend booking layout to load faster
UPDATED: use new tickets addon pluggable filters to make booking addon leaner
REQUIRED: Tickets addon 1.7

v 0.1 (2017-11-20)
Initial release

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