How to Use the Autogenerator to Create Booking Blocks
Last Updated: January 22, 2025
The Bookings addon comes with a built-in time block generator that can really help to speed things up during the creation of your event.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can leverage this feature to build an amazing calendar with bookable time slots in just a few clicks.
In order to get started, you will need to have EventON, Event Tickets, and Bookings addon installed and activated. You can get the EventON plugin by downloading it from your CodeCanyon account. You can follow our tutorial on how to install & activate EventON.
You can install the Bookings and Event Tickets addons by following our general guide on how to install EventON addons.
User Guide
Create a new event by heading to WP admin > Events > Add Event and activate event tickets.

Fill in the basic ticket information such as ticket price, sale price, ticket SKU and other event data such as the date and image.
Click on the Save draft button to save your draft event and reload the page by clicking on the ↻ icon on your browser. This step is necessary to load and expose more ticket settings.

Enable booking blocks on this event by toggling the option below.

Click on the Save draft button and reload the page once more to expose more settings.

Click on the Booking block manager button to load the block manager.

Click on the generate blocks button on the popup window.

This will open a new window where you can configure the following options:
- Date range – Select the start and end date of your event. If you have a single day event, you can select the same date on the date picker on both fields.
- Time range – Here, you can select the start and end time of your event depending on your schedule. For example, if your event will kick off at 8.00 am and end at 5.00 pm, you can select this on the dropdown field.
- Duration – Select the duration in hours and minutes for each time block. For example, if you’d like to have 45 minute time blocks, select 0H on the first field and 45M on the next one.
- Cost/Price – Enter the price or each time block so that your guests can purchase each one separately.
- Capacity – Enter the number of guests that can book a single time block.

Click on the Generate button to automatically create the blocks and then click the X at the top right to minimize the block manager.

Publish your event and preview it on the front end.

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