Changelog for CSV Importer

Last Updated: March 5, 2024

v 1.1.10 (2024-3-5)
ADDED: support for repeat event data
ADDED: support for new event time extended type
FIXED: filetype value for upload_image()
UPDATE: evcal_allday value is no longer supported; use extend_type= dl/ml/yl

v 1.1.9 (2022-3-9)
FIXED: subtitle and other fields with apostrophe added extra blackslashes when imported
FIXED: organizer ID value not saving the organizer correct
FIXED: initiation addon name error
FIXED: to not save event_id to event post meta
FIXED: imported time converting to AM PM
FIXED: unnecessarily adding slashes multiple times

v 1.1.8 (2019-8-26)
ADDED: updating existing events to update event name, description and post status
FIXED: each hidden fields error on import
FIXED: location and organizer ID passed via CSV not importing
FIXED: updating existing events creating new fields

v 1.1.7 (2018-10-10)
ADDED: Support for date fields going in with 2 digit year values

v 1.1.6 (2018-2-21)
ADDED: Ability to update events using event_id variable
ADDED: evocsv_fetched_event_data pluggable filter support
FIXED: event type IDs not importing

v 1.1.5 (2017-7-7)
ADDED: support for importing event types using string values

v 1.1.4 (2017-5-23)
FIXED: Organizer ID importing not working
FIXED: Organizer name not saving correct for events
FIXED: organizer and location not saving is location ID given in CSV
FIXED: PHP 7.0 compatibility causing events to not import correct
UPDATED: Addon initiation process

v 1.1.3 (2016-10-10)
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.4.7

v 1.1.2 (2016-9-27)
FIXED: Organizer ID field not importing values
UPDATED: Filter for importing date format customization

v 1.1.1 (2016-9-6)
FIXED: yes no fields not saving values correct on import

v 1.1 (2016-8-23)
ADDED: Location to generate and save lat/lon information if address provided
ADDED: Support for image ID for already existing images
FIXED: Link to view all imported events
FIXED: Event name and location with quotation marks
FIXED: Location and organizer values not saving
FIXED: Foolproof incorrectly passed publish status values
FIXED: Correct escaping for HTML characters for eventon 2.4.4 export events
UPDATED: If yes no field value not passed save as no
UPDATED: If location or organizer taxonomy ID passed not save string values
UPDATED: Importing to use html_entity_decode() when importing event data
REQUIRED: EventON 2.4.4

v 1.0 (2016-2-19)
ADDED: Ajax based importing system
ADDED: location and organizer can be set with term ID
ADDED: Support for actionUser assign users to events using user IDs
FIXED: csv file larger than 50 rows breaking the system
FIXED: event_gmap set to no value not saving
FIXED: Learn more link not saving correct
FIXED: Subtitles field not saving
FIXED: html character parsing for csv field values
FIXED: event colors with # breaking tile view and not saving color correct
FIXED: location and organizer field compatibility with eventon 2.3.18 up
FIXED: adding location and organizers can now be selectable in drop down
UPDATED: addslashes filtering to importing field values
UPDATED: Guide lightbox content

v.0.18 (2015-10-5)
FIXED: Importing breaks when event color not set

0.17 (2015-9-15)
ADDED: Support to import event images
ADDED: learnmore link support
ADDED: UX_val field support
ADDED: Subtitle field support
ADDED: custom meta field button link field support

0.16 (2015-7-20)
FIXED: settings UI issues
FIXED: Backend settings styles not loading to page

v0.15 (2015-2-19)
ADDED: Support for all event type categories
ADDED: Support for all custom meta data fields for events
ADDED: Support for event color, featured events, and hide end time
ADDED: settings link to plugins page
FIXED: Events saving as schedules
UPDATED: Events data without end time can now be used in CSV

v0.14 (2014-9-18)
FIXED: Addon initial check and compatibility with eventon 2.2.18 up

FIXED: CSV not showing in addons page
ADDED: category, location name, all day events field support

v0.12 (2014-6-1)
UPDATED: Compatility with eveton 2.2.12

v0.11 (2014-5-20)
FIXED: slowness in wp-admin

v0.10 (2014-2-13)
FIXED: EventON auto update error caused by addons and compatibility to eventON 2.2.7

v0.9 (2013 -11-21)
UPDATED: eventON 2.2 compatibility

v0.8 (2013-10-16)
FIXED: Event date importing in incorrect formats

v0.7 (2013-9-27)
FIXED: missing images and styles
FIXED: Event Time importing

v0.6 (2013-9-18)
FIXED: Csv importer tab not showing up for some
FIXED: Event dates not saving issue
UPDATED: Compatibility to eventON 2.1.18
ADDED: new software version reminder for all plugins page
UPDATED: Deactivation and activation plugin details inclusion to eventON addons list

v0.5 (2013-8-14)
ADDED: the ability to set event publish status support to CSV
ADDED: event time fields for start and end of event – all the time values are required to save event times
ADDED: event orgaizer field capabilities support to CSV
ADDED: event google map generation value support to CSV
FIXED: aphostrophe containing values for event description can now be passed
TWEAKED: monir UI improvements

v 0.4 (2013-8-8)
TWEAKED: Compatibility to eventON 2.1.14

v 0.3
UPDATED: Converted to a WP plugin as oppose to an addon to eventon

v 0.2

v 0.1
Initial release

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