Changelog for Event Tickets

Last Updated: February 27, 2025

v 2.4.10 (2025-2-27)
FIXED: Tickets sales price auto setting to 0.00
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 4.8.3 version

v 2.4.9 (2025-2-26)
FIXED: Ticket pricing, sale price formatting issues
FIXED: show ticket only to loggedin user not working
UPDATED: filter evo_eventedit_pageload_dom_data

v 2.4.8 (2025-2-3)
FIXED: ticket settings price to honor decimal separator of .
FIXED: add to calendar link not working

v 2.4.7 (2025-1-9)
FIXED: CSV event data missing for ticket fields
FIXED: ticket details value not saving

v 2.4.6 (2024-12-16)
FIXED: get_order_status() to utilize updated wc functions
FIXED: ordered date value not passing for EVO_Ticket()
FIXED: name your price not processing correct
FIXED: font awesome checkmark icon with EventON 4.7.4
FIXED: Eventcard tickets filter eventon_eventcard_boxes to frontend
FIXED: ticket settings stock not saving when event is saved

v 2.4.5 (2024-11-25)
FIXED: CSV importer not saving the event ticket values
FIXED: SKU regenerating on every save

v 2.4.4 (2024-11-14)
FIXED: WC Variable product not working

v 2.4.3 (2024-11-12)
ADDED: pluggable filter for evo-tix post data
FIXED: WC Variations pricing for total
FIXED: order item name change to event name during order creation
UPDATED: passed $product value to evotx_tix_save_field_meta filter

v 2.4.2 (2024-11-6)
ADDED: event ticket to admin event ticket order item meta data
ADDED: total price field for WC based variations
FIXED: if no sales data available not run chart script
FIXED: cart_item_name_box() to validate event id before setting event
FIXED: email subject not used in confirmation email
FIXED: admin event ticket order item name not correct
FIXED: duplicate SKU to auto generate new SKU
UPDATED: resend ticket confirmation UI

v 2.4.1 (2024-10-29)
FIXED: convert_to_currency() not returning correct price
FIXED: thousand separate in price not calculating prices correct
FIXED: product name not changing with updated event name

v 2.4 (2024-10-4)
ADDED: option to add details for buy now ticket standalone button via shortcode
ADDED: compatibility with Woocommerce block cart and checkout
ADDED: Chart.js based graphs for sales insight data
ADDED: Peak purchase time sales insight data visualization
FIXED: text domain function loading too early
FIXED: SKU auto generation not working any more when saving event settings
FIXED: duplicate ticket product not saving correctly
FIXED: buy now ticket lightbox close button position
FIXED: Woocommerce my account tickets not showing
FIXED: default ticket box icon on eventcard
FIXED: duplicate event not copying ticket data
FIXED: add to cart allow adding more not working
FIXED: compatibility with eventON 4.7 event edit settngs UI
UPDATED: sales insight design and layout
UPDATED: Order edit page ticket layout and styles
UPDATED: My account tickets view lightbox styles and layout

v 2.3.4 (2024-8-21)
FIXED: ticket settings not saving properly
FIXED: evotx_attendees shortcode running on backend
FIXED: pass shortcode keys to evo_sc_keys_assoc
FIXED: sold out tag for repeat events not working correctly
REQ: EventON 4.6.8

v 2.3.3 (2024-7-31)
ADDED: Additional pluggable fields for the ticket confirmation email
FIXED: permission for event ticket edit settings
FIXED: deprecated action hook woocommerce_before_cart_item_quantity_zero
FIXED: product price validation error
FIXED: ticket section text formatting not passing through
FIXED: place ticket on out of stock to auto disable manage stock
FIXED: undefined event ID error
FIXED: WC default variations not registering as event ticket purchase
FIXED: WC Variation attributes in ticket holder details and attendee details
FIXED: WC Variation details not showing in confirmation email

v 2.3.2 (2024-6-13)
FIXED: create_wc_product() description validation
FIXED: actionuser compatibility
FIXED: resent ticket email notice message styles
FIXED: checkin status already checked
FIXED: search all event tickets with #

v 2.3.1 (2024-6-11)
ADDED: Ability to previw ticket confirmation email from event ticket edit page
FIXED: All event tickets page not able to checkin guests
FIXED: none existing orders breaking code
FIXED: new order content not showing for non HPOS
UPDATED: Ticket confirmation email layout and design

v 2.3 (2024-5-30)
FIXED: variations code interfering with other wc variations
FIXED: tickets not showing on order details page
UPDATED: various styles and formattings
UPDATED: cart notice message format and styles
UPDATED: Woocommerce HPOS compatibility

v 2.2.9 (2024-4-12)
ADDED: auto complete order feature to settings
FIXED: sales price formatting
FIXED: event ticket detail formatting not saving
FIXED: virtual event link showing in ics file
FIXED: actionuser ticket fields missing translations
FIXED: actionuser ticket fields layout
FIXED: wc product titiel not changing with event data
FIXED: stop selling tickets event end not working

v 2.2.8 (2024-3-8)
FIXED: undefined variable $head
FIXED: incorrect event time on event tickets post edit page
FIXED: confirmation email event time

v 2.2.7(2024-2-23)
FIXED: wc based variation not working on event calendar
FIXED: updating event delete various set ticket information
FIXED: Event location text translate in admin side

v 2.2.6 (2024-2-1)
FIXED: standalone button time and location missing
FIXED: event time incorrect in cart pages
FIXED: next_available_ri() to update repeat instance time to event timezone
REQ: EventON 4.5.9

v 2.2.5 (2024-1-21)
FIXED: wc variations script intefering with normal product variations
FIXED: success message checkbox styles
FIXED: translations with quote breaking add to cart
FIXED: order meta key translations not working
FIXED: add to cart null error checking
FIXED: get_text_strings() not returning values
FIXED: missing text string for actionUser
FIXED: js evotx_get_data traversing for correct event ticket data
FIXED: currency with commas as decimal not working with name your price
FIXED: custom wc product names not saving correct
FIXED: actionuser form missing text translations
FIXED: eventon 4.5.7 compatibility

v 2.2.4 (2023-9-13)
FIXED: lightbox event window styles for success message
FIXED: is_ticket_in_cart_already() get_cart on null error
FIXED: missing text string for language
FIXED: virtual event pre text showing blank
FIXED: after virtual event content for ticket purchased guests not showing
FIXED: additional information not saving html
FIXED: additional information textarea changed to wysiwyg

v 2.2.3 (2023-8-7)
FIXED: checkout ticket error
FIXED: event edit ticket data bar colors duplicates

v 2.2.2 (2023-8-3)
ADDED: separate settings to restock failed orders
FIXED: wc variations add to cart not working
FIXED: evotx_hide_msg() js function error
FIXED: auto restock validation to use EVO()->cal
FIXED: email attendees lightbox loading animation

v 2.2.1 (2023-7-20)
FIXED: ticket data loading function for js
FIXED: ticket concatenated styles not loading correct

v 2.2 (2022-7-12)
ADDED: checkedin guest count to sales insight
ADDED: name your price double check before adding to cart
ADDED: new shortcode [evotx_attendees] to show all attendees names on frontend
ADDED: all tickets posts in admin side to be filterable by events
ADDED: webhooks for eventON automation
ADDED: lightbox based inqure before buy form
ADDED: message on eventcard when ticket is already in cart for sold individually
ADDED: admin view attendees to have search
ADDED: admin view attendees to show count real time
FIXED: View attendee not showing prior to sales
FIXED: sales insight font color darker for clearer view
FIXED: postponed event showing event top tags
FIXED: failed order completing not adjusting tickets.
FIXED: my account event tickets not loading
FIXED: failed orders are restocked twice
FIXED: inquire before buy form XSS validation
FIXED: scripts enqueue order and js localized data for page
FIXED: tickets settings layout and formatting
FIXED: attendees anywhere not showing anything for no completed orders
UPDATED: Moved event settings to lightbox for faster loading
UPDATED: PHP 8.2 code updates

v 2.1 (2022-3-30)
ADDED: clear notice on editting repeats after manage stock for repeats is set
FIXED: empty price value error on evotx_helper->convert_to_currency()
FIXED: duplicating variable ticket events setting ticket on out of stock
FIXED: woocommerce my account order exists test
FIXED: handebars custom function noDash input value null error
FIXED: event title text translation missing in language
FIXED: when order item id of ticket is delete > remove matching evo-tix post
FIXED: allow event tickets to be searched by only part of the ticket number
FIXED: ticket confirmation to have ticket image in a separate line
FIXED: ticket orders created from backend not allowing ticket holder name to be changed

v 2.0.2 (2022-2-16)
FIXED: partial refund not recording correctly
FIXED: event meta box notice
FIXED: additional attendee names not recording correctly and showing
FIXED: EVO_Evo_Tix_CPT object to load props if empty

v 2.0.1 (2022-1-20)
FIXED: larger price numbers getting formatted incorrectly
FIXED: ticket holder email and name not passing into ticket data

v 2.0 (2022-1-4)
ADDED: other tickets in same order links in ticket edit page
ADDED: when failed order completed, update order item ids with ticket post
ADDED: Sync with woocommerce order button for event tickets post edit page
ADDED: event ticket post edit page to show other tickets in same order
ADDED: Event Tickets page into Woocommerce My account page for customer
ADDED: Customers can view their ticket easily from WC My Account page via ajax ticket view
ADDED: new central ticket holder data function to class-attendees.php
FIXED: empty event location in cart showing blank box
UPDATED: admin ticket view design and various other minor admin layouts
UPDATED: ticket confirmation email layout design
COMPATIBILITY: Woocommerce 6.0

v 1.9.6 (2021-11-9)
FIXED: actionUser event manager showing delete event button for events with tickets
FIXED: missing wc notice translations
FIXED: inaccurate sprintf translation strings
FIXED: email attendees repeat instance filter
FIXED: thousand separator ‘ not escaping correct

v 1.9.5 (2021-7-2)
FIXED: evotx_add_cart_item_meta filter return with cart keys to not add again
FIXED: ticket holder with same name not counting towards ticket count
FIXED: View attendee event time sorted in order
FIXED: compatibility with woocommerce 5.5

v 1.9.4 (2021-5-27)
FIXED: non permission attendee list download blocked
FIXED: minor virtual event guest count hide not working
FIXED: name your price decimal separator , not working

v 1.9.3 (2021-4-29)
FIXED: my account text translation
FIXED: virtual event information error on eventcard
FIXED: has_user_purchased_tickets() function causing errors for some
FIXED: event location not showing in the cart
FIXED: ticket saving create duplicate wc products
FIXED: confirmation email and thank you page not passing lang values

v 1.9.2 (2021-3-18)
FIXED: compatibility with eventON 3.1.1 utc offset times
FIXED: name your price still able to add to cart
FIXED: cart quantity filter to run late
FIXED: sold out tag to not show when event is over
FIXED: virtual event infor always visible not sending them in confirmation email
FIXED: buying a ticket in series not validated correct
FIXED: repeat event link in email and my account
REQ: eventon 3.1.2

v 1.9.1 (2021-3-1)
ADDED: Notice on auto re-stock causing duplicate stocks
FIXED: after main content moderator asked to purchase ticket
FIXED: virtual event information not showing in the ticket email

v 1.9 (2021-2-18)
ADDED: stop selling tickets if the event is cancelled
ADDED: virtual event plus addon compatibility
ADDED: actionuser event manager see signed in guests check mark nex to guest name
FIXED: undefined post_type error
FIXED: upon add to cart redirect showing confirmation message for too short
FIXED: correct grammer for Non-ticket order – thanks leland
FIXED: unable to edit additional ticket holder names
FIXED: none ticket enabled details showing when user login required
FIXED: actionuser event manager layout design
UPDATED: backend all events woo icon styles
UPDATED: compatibility with woocommerce 5.0

v 1.8.8 (2020-12-4)
ADDED: actionUser event manager disable deleting events when tickets are sold
FIXED: duplicate events to set new SKU
FIXED: actionUser tickets event time value not passing to product name
FIXED: view attendees window not loading content

v 1.8.7 (2020-10-26)
ADDED: support for tickets inquire before buy field to event submission form
FIXED: admin event ticket post file end error
FIXED: Minor styles update for eventcard tickets section

v 1.8.6 (2020-10-7)
FIXED: name your price, pressing enter key add ticket to cart
FIXED: name your price formatting for conditional validations
FIXED: sold individually not working with name your price
UPDATED: Name your price text instead of price

v 1.8.5 (2020-10-5)
ADDED: all event tickets posts search to be searchable by ticket id and event name
FIXED: removed exclamation mark on cart notices
FIXED: get_metadata_raw() error for older wordpress installs
FIXED: virtual event return value error
FIXED: saving ticket values in event edit page not saving them
FIXED: virtual event options filter available in frontend as well

v 1.8.4 (2020-9-9)
FIXED: ticket confirmation additional information styles

v 1.8.3 (2020-8-27)
ADDED: ticket specific virtual event text on eventcard if show after ticket purchase
ADDED: new EVO_Evo_Tix_CPT() class for handling evo-tix cpt object
FIXED: ticket additional information visible to customers after purchase when purchasing multiple tickets
FIXED: virtual event access information link to be clickable
UPDATED: edit order page ticket layout style

v 1.8.2 (2020-8-7)
FIXED: corresponding WC product name not changing when event name changed

v 1.8.1 (2020-7-15)
FIXED: repeating events ticket event time incorrect
FIXED: sold individually items not adding to cart
FIXED: add to calendar time incorrect for repeat events
FIXED: when event is live and past hide virtual event information
FIXED: ticket confirmation showing wc product name instead of event name

v 1.8 (2020-6-11)
ADDED: ticket already purchased message for loggedin customers on eventcard
ADDED: compatibility with virtual events
ADDED: name your price option
ADDED: name your price with minimum price
FIXED: ticket posts being visible to public
FIXED: inqure message causing function error
FIXED: minor style updates in event edit ticket section
FIXED: missing translation strings
UPDATED: inquire before buy form styles and layout
UODATED: simple products add to cart to use new ajax method
UODATED: layout styles for tickets section

v 1.7.13 (2020-4-6)
ADDED: Ability to enter information sent via ticket confirmation email to attendees
FIXED: is required field text not translated in checkout page

v 1.7.12 (2020-3-16)
FIXED: sprintf translation error in event edit tickets section
FIXED: additional ticket info text error message not translating
UPDATED: all events in wp-admin tickets enabled display

v 1.7.11 (2020-1-30)
ADDED: Filter to support additional ticekt holder information at checkout
ADDED: repeat intervals for separate stock to show repeat interval index next to date
ADDED: trumbowyg texteditor for emailing attendees
FIXED: get_id() on bool error on class-integration-woocommerce.php:975
FIXED: tax included price for tickets not reflecting correct on event card

v 1.7.10 (2019-10-15)
ADDED: Ablity to edit the ticket holder names after sale
ADDED: standalone buy not ticket button via shortcode (beta)
ADDED: WC compatibility notice
ADDED: Ability to edit ticket holder additional information as well
FIXED: when duplicating event also change sku of new ticket
FIXED: Ticket quantity not able to go below 1
FIXED: Default WC variations not selected when first loaded
FIXED: next available event button to only work when manage stock for repeats active
FIXED: Next available event button to search for future event with events in stock
FIXED: Event ticket url in cart does not contain lang value in URL
UPDATED: ticket frontend styles

v 1.7.9 (2019-6-28)
ADDED: View attendees to have payment method also shown in the list
FIXED: check out order details event name to be clickable
FIXED: ticket variations not showing for sale
FIXED: trashed WC orders causing event tickets page to not show tickets
FIXED: WC based variations on load default variation select not working on lightbox events
UPDATED: sales insight UI design
UPDATED: sale insight time to be based off current time

v 1.7.8 (2019-3-6)
ADDED: load evotx settings values using EVO()->cal
FIXED: Missing translation strings
FIXED: remaining tickets not showing correct
FIXED: stop selling events at event end time to change text on event edit
FIXED: better event over tag conditioning for event top
FIXED: stop selling tickets using end time and before X minuted not working correct
FIXED: Cart validation for stop selling before X min
FIXED: To enqueue styles and scripts via eventon plug
FIXED: change_ticket_number_status() changing status issues

v 1.7.7 (2018-12-11)
ADDED: Missing translation text
ADDED: failed ticket order handling function
FIXED: inquire success message checkmark styles
FIXED: Missing translation text for actionUser form for tickets
FIXED: max ticket stock is not increasing when there is no stock limit
UPDATED: event time pluggable filter for checkout additional information

v 1.7.6 (2018-11-23)
FIXED: event instances value passing to ticket holder in cart
FIXED: multiple instance of same event not storing the attendee name
FIXED: checkout ticket holder name count not correct for multiple tickets
FIXED: undefined add to cart notices

v 1.7.5 (2018-10-8)
ADDED: pluggable filter for ticket confirmation meta box
FIXED: Confirmation email structure update
FIXED: variable event language translation missing
FIXED: eventtop tags filter not returning default value
UPDATED: Add to cart additional pluggable filters

v 1.7.4 (2018-7-24)
FIXED: sales insight not loading if orders were trashed
FIXED: correct order notes when order restocked and reduced
FIXED: Order status cancelling to properly reduce ticket stock
FIXED: test link in order page
FIXED: missing ticket holder title on emails
FIXED: Add to cart not translating for variable tickets
UPDATED: pluggable filter to add to calendar link in event ticket email

v 1.7.3 (2018-7-11)
ADDED: Missing filter for additonal fields settings
FIXED: striked regular ticket price showing
FIXED: Ticket stock getting reduced twice
FIXED: Missing translation and other translation issues

v 1.7.2 (2018-6-21)
ADDED: Order status from pending payment to cancel, ticket alteration
FIXED: Attendees an error for repeating events
FIXED: error when ticket order was deleted
FIXED: Lang value passing to cart pages and reflecting translations
FIXED: Show remaining count for repeat events with separate stock not working
FIXED: Global WC product not set during event ticket wc product initiation
FIXED: When tickets on sale striked through price not showing
UPDATED: Hide lang value from being visible in admin order pages

v 1.7.1 (2018-5-29)
ADDED: Support for striked through price
FIXED: ActionUser form several field values not saving
FIXED: url decoding for wc variable product names in cart and checkout
FIXED: several text strings not translating
FIXED: unable to add to cart on ticket addons
FIXED: Not able to download view attendees as CSV
FIXED: Address not passing on to view attendees CSV file
FIXED: do not redirect not hiding the hidden section and leaving success message
FIXED: Minor styles
FIXED: Incorrect notice on email override folder.
FIXED: Disable adding event tikcets from backend

v 1.7 (2018-5-9)
ADDED: option to set event stop selling tickets time base
ADDED: New Sales insight visual data for each event
ADDED: event repeat instance save into order item meta instead of event time
ADDED: new filters for ticket addons that reduce duplicate filters
ADDED: javascript trigger on admin when view attendees lightbox loaded
ADDED: Extended helper class to support more elements for ticket extensions
ADDED: Ticket holder information to show in order complete WC email
ADDED: filterable view attendees list on event edit
ADDED: each ticket to create separate evo-tix entry
ADDED: Partial order refunds to refund individual event tickets
ADDED: actionUser guest checkin only if permission allowed
ADDED: wcid to frontend ticket data row
ADDED: After added to cart pass values as filter
ADDED: eventon global language variable passed into ticket order
ADDED: Ticket language values passed into cart
FIXED: event time in emails not capitalized
FIXED: send attendee list email message not stripping slashes and formating html
FIXED: open view cart and checkout in new window not working
FIXED: additional guests names validation to check for longer strings
FIXED: Order details page not showing event name under products purchased
FIXED: guest list to not include refunded tickets or orders
FIXED: setting event top tag sold out to hidden also hide event over tag
UPDATED: Event edit attendee information layout
UPDATED: Ticket helper class
UPDATED: cart meta data display layout
UPDATED: Woocommerce filters into its own file
UPDATED: layout design for view attendees list
UPDATED: layout design for ticket holder list on admin and frontend
UPDATED: Consistent colors for order and ticket status buttons everywhere
UPDATED: ticket confirmation email to be viewed from wp-admin using debug=true

v 1.6.8 (2018-2-8)
FIXED: additional guest names field continuly asking for value
FIXED: event edit meta box styles with new evo 2.6.6 styles

v 1.6.7 (2018-2-7)
ADDED: Option to control add to cart redirects to cart or checkout
FIXED: add to cart class names and styles
FIXED: Stop selling tickets X min before not working

v 1.6.6 (2017-12-6)
ADDED: Option to assign custom WC Product for event ticket
FIXED: Custom repeat event tickets showing incorrect event date
FIXED: Ticket class initiation changes
FIXED: Global product variable not getting updated on ticket pages causing issues

v 1.6.5 (2017-11-29)
FIXED: actionUser ticket stats not working
FIXED: global product getting altered
FIXED: Settings not populating inquiry email fields correct
FIXED: ticket event object errors

v 1.6.4 (2017-11-20)
FIXED: text domain loading not working properly
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventon 2.6.2

v 1.6.3 (2017-10-23)
FIXED: meta box error that cause addon not to work

v 1.6.2 (2017-10-19)
ADDED: More field support for actionUser event submission form
FIXED: unable to checkin guests from ticket edit page
FIXED: Compatibility with WC 3.2
REQUIRE: Eventon 2.6.1

v 1.6.1 (2017-9-25)
FIXED: added to cart success message text translations
FIXED: Text domain issues
UPDATED: POT translations file

v 1.6 (2017-9-13)
ADDED: Template locator for single ticket section instead of calling file
ADDED: quantity max limit reached new class append to button
ADDED: quantity change jquery trigger
ADDED: support for pluggable download attendee CSV file fields
ADDED: Tickets meta box to pass event id value in wp-admin
ADDED: search ticket box to show additional guest name for ticket
ADDED: ticket price required for actionUser event submission form
ADDED: support for event time in additional ticket holder names
ADDED: Option to show next available event
ADDED: your tickets section on order details page when order is not completed
ADDED: custom wc ticket product name structure
FIXED: dynamic styles not calling correct
FIXED: location name escaping in cart
FIXED: remaining tickets disable not working
FIXED: appearance causing errors with admin loading
FIXED: updating event with ticket to stop updating post author for wc product
FIXED: actionUser integration tooltip missing
FIXED: Variable ticket product price not showing on event edit page
FIXED: confirmation email layout
FIXED: confirmation email add to calendar showing multiple times
FIXED: deprecated WC functions
FIXED: Multiple order additional ticket holder name association incorrect
FIXED: correct ticket holder name associated in CSV download attendees
FIXED: saving event ticket as catalog hidden not working
UPDATED: Meta data for events in cart style changes
UPDATED:compatibility with actionUser 2.1
UPDATED: Ticket confirmation email layout update
UPDATED: SKU to not be used in auto created ticket product title
DEV: ticket helper class for use for ticket related addons

v 1.5.8 (2017-7-7)
ADDED: login button when tickets restricted to loggedin users only
FIXED: Woocommerce version check
FIXED: Better login only user ticket information on eventcard
FIXED: SKU fields excaping for blank spaces in field value
FIXED: actionUser updating event create new wc ticket product
FIXED: Cart ticket image link correctly to event page
FIXED: Woocommerce emails order item meta translations
FIXED: remaining tickets count showing for variable tickets despite not set
FIXED: variations with no stock for sale show separate message

v 1.5.7 (2017-6-15)
ADDED: Option to stop using event time in WC Product name
ADDED: option to always redirect WC product pages to event pages
FIXED: Missing item quantity in cart issue
FIXED: shopping cart quantity error for some customers
FIXED: Ticket product name showing time in order details after order
FIXED: Completed ticket order meta showing untranslated meta key names

v 1.5.6 (2017-5-25)
FIXED: add to cart ticket item name link to event page
FIXED: email attendees list not sending emails

v 1.5.5 (2017-5-15)
FIXED: Additional ticket holder name compatible with seats addon
FIXED: Item no longer for sale issue
FIXED: Add to cart notice minor style changes
FIXED: Auto redirect after adding to cart issue
FIXED: enqueue styles and scripts to pass latest version number
FIXED: Minicart update not working after adding to cart

v 1.5.4 (2017-5-8)
FIXED: sold individually variable products not adding to cart
FIXED: additional guest names section not showing for variable items

v 1.5.3 (2017-4-19)
FIXED: Incorrect ID call on variable item template page
FIXED: Variable products not showing add to cart section
FIXED: view attendees and download CSV on event edit tickets not working

v 1.5.2 (2017-4-10)
ADDED: Woocommerce version requirement check
ADDED: pluggable filters for checkout data processing
FIXED: event tickets page order status error
FIXED: additional guest names section code error on admin
FIXED: Non existance WC order causing error on event edit ticket section
FIXED: deprecated functions in WC compatibility for saving order item meta for tickets

v 1.5.1 (2017-4-5)
FIXED: Compatibility with WC 3.0
FIXED: ticket holder names correctly adjusted if not additional names available
FIXED: hide ticket info on order details page not working
FIXED: Remaining tickets number not updating after addin to cart
FIXED: Blank additional ticket holder names showing comma
FIXED: Repeat events qty able to increase above stock in cart page
FIXED: Stop selling stock before x minutes code error
FIXED: cart validation for if tickets enabled for ticket

v 1.5 (2017-3-24)
ADDED: Option to update the WC product title upon event update
ADDED: check if ticket sales are enabled for event during checkout
ADDED: URL encoding for event location passed value
ADDED: stop selling tickets validation at cart checkout
ADDED: confirmation email pluggable function for expansion
ADDED: Ticket product name clickable to event page in cart
ADDED: New ticket quantity incrementation
ADDED: Better JQ listeners for ticket variation stages
ADDED: Option to hide ticket information on order details page
ADDED: Notice on event ticket meta box for past events and tickets information
FIXED: Last letter of from name get cut off
FIXED: simple ticket repeats stock reduction on cancel orders
FIXED: increase stock from order page not working
FIXED: same item added to two carts at the same time stock validation
FIXED: stock status setting to yes not saved on updating 2nd time
FIXED: unable to remove sales price after its set for event ticket
FIXED: Couple of text translations via eventon now instead of WC
FIXED: Missing text translations
UPDATED: event info under product column in cart page
UPDATED: event location value passing for add to cart link validation
UPDATED: UI styles and UX for add to cart section
UPDATED: eventon addon initiation process

v 1.4.1 (2017-2-16)
FIXED: Tickets variations not working for lightbox events

v 1.4 (20172-15)
ADDED: Option to make additional guest names required
ADDED: Show additional guest names in order details after checkout
ADDED: Support for concatenated addon styles
ADDED: Option for event creator to checkin guests from actionUser event manager
ADDED: Ability to email attendee list from event edit page
ADDED: Ability to email attendees from event edit page
ADDED: Support for WC Products addon
ADDED: Event end date also added to WC ticket product name
ADDED: button direct to ticket sales stats via WC
FIXED: WC product title getting changed upon updates
FIXED: variable items options not opening
FIXED: Send ticket email to custom emails not working in new version
FIXED: view attendees list first repeating instance show all attendees
FIXED: Guest list showing when there are no guests
FIXED: Repeating events with separate capacity validation when adding to cart
FIXED: Event ticket search filter effecting non ticket order search
UPDATED: Minicart fragments passed to page upon add to cart

v 1.3.9 (2017-1-31)
FIXED: Checking in attendees not working for some users
FIXED: no stock quantity can not be increased via arrows
FIXED: Restrict adding more than max allowed tickets to cart
FIXED: Resend confirmation not working
FIXED: Inquery emails not going through
UPDATED: WC stock management activate when ticket info saved

v 1.3.8 (2017-1-18)
ADDED: ActionUser fields to have class names
ADDED: Support for phone number in inquire form
ADDED: pluggable function support for additional inquire form fields
FIXED: Action user form field text missing in translations
FIXED: ActionUser form field saving issue
UPDATED: Styles for the frontend ticket setcion

v 1.3.7 (2016-11-29)
FIXED: ActionUser event manager field data correction
FIXED: quantity passing undefined for some users
UPDATED: ActionUser event manager HTML elements

v 1.3.6 (2016-11-8)
FIXED: Inquiry email not sending the email address
UPDATED: Ticket emails to use HTML evo helper function
UPDATED: Link to variable pricing guide in documentation

v 1.3.5 (2016-10-24)
FIXED: event featured image not appending to an event

v 1.3.4 (2016-10-19)
ADDED: View attendees list on back end to link to order
ADDED: Only see completed orders in lightbox with option to see others
FIXED: Repeating events not passing time correct to ticket
FIXED: ticket image removal remove image from WC product
FIXED: view attendees to show additional ticket holder names
FIXED: Download attendees CSV to include additional attendee information
UPDATED: View attendees lightbox styles update
UPDATED: Search tickets section code update
UPDATED: settings styles

v 1.3.3 (2016-10-10)
FIXED: Location name not passing to cart from lightbox eventCard
FIXED: Missing languge translations for event name in checkout
FIXED: Applied WC filter to cart url passed to tickets
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.4.7

v 1.3.2 (20168-12)
FIXED: Variable product out of stock items still able to add to cart
UPDATED: UI Styles for pricing layouts

v 1.3.1 (2016-7-25)
ADDED: Option to disable additional guest names
FIXED: Missing translation on addiontional guest list

v 1.3 (2016-6-22)
ADDED: Guest list for tickets sold option
ADDED: Support for more fields for actionUser ticket fields
ADDED: Stats data for simple event tickets on event edit page
ADDED: Support for admin only notes for event tickets post
ADDED: Ticket email to contain variation description
ADDED: Option to stop showing ticket information on thank you page
ADDED: event ticket image into ticket confirmation email
ADDED: Intergration with countdown timer addon timer expiration action
ADDED: Event location also passed into ticket meta
ADDED: Text translation support for event time and location meta text in tickets
ADDED: ActionUser Event Manager intergration need AU v 2.0.3
ADDED: Ability to add ticket holder names for each ticket
ADDED: Only loggedin users can see calendar – shortcode option
ADDED: Tiles shortcode options into shortcode generator for list version
ADDED: Be able to add ticket orders from backend of the site
FIXED: https path correction for assets
FIXED: Stop selling tickets before X minuted not working
FIXED: Eventtop event over tag to check close selling before x min
UPDATED: ActionUser intergration as separate class
UPDATED: actionUser field language translation
UPDATED: Option to not send ticket confirmation email
UPDATED: Ticket confirmation email variation data
UPDATED: In stock ticket count incorrections
UPDATED: Checkin guests restricted to only completed orders
UPDATED: Attendee list lightbox layout and styles
UPDATED: Shortcode generator to have event type taxonomy field upto 5
UPDATED: New email template location in new eventON 2.4

v 1.2.6 (2016-3-15)
FIXED: event tickets not saving price for wc causing add to cart errors

v 1.2.5 (2016-3-14)
FIXED: remaining count show as one
FIXED: Sales price not saving
FIXED: If sku is not provided generate random sku

v 1.2.4 (2016-3-9)
FIXED: Organizer not translating in confirmation email
FIXED: variable items showing as sold out

v 1.2.3 (2016-3-1)
FIXED: Remaining tickets count always showing 1 for non repeating event

v 1.2.2 (2016-2-12)
FIXED: Events showing out of stock incorrectly
FIXED: Tickets not creating for none payment receive orders

v 1.2.1 (2016-2-8)
FIXED: Stop sending ticket emails still sending emails
FIXED: Qty in ticket email not translating
FIXED: Eventtop tag styles

v 1.2 (2016-2-1)
ADDED: Terms and condition statement for the ticket email
ADDED: Catalog visibility option for event tickets settings
ADDED: Option to open add to cart and check out in new window tab
ADDED: Initial ticket sent status to ticket and order edit pages in admin
ADDED: Show sold out tag on event top when event is sold out
ADDED: Ability to auto re-stock cancelled and refunded order tickets
ADDED: Primary ticket holder email added to ticket email
ADDED: CSV attendee list to support billing address and phone number
ADDED: Ticket Orders submenu in woocommerce to see only ticket orders
ADDED: pluggable filters to CSV attendee exporter to support additional info
ADDED: Disable ticket sales section for past events
ADDED: Event ticket image be set as WC product image as well
ADDED: Order purchased date to attendee list
ADDED: validation for inquiries form submission
ADDED: Event over tag on eventtop for events that are past
ADDED: Ability to send ticket email to a custom email address
ADDED: Quick way to find tickets and checkin in tickets settings
ADDED: Ability to close selling events X minuted before the event start
FIXED: Better event time on cart items
FIXED: Repeat interval variable to not pass to cart for non-repeating events
FIXED: Contact us link in ticket email
FIXED: Setting location image replace event ticket image
FIXED: Event ticket resend not working proper in admin
FIXED: Make sure initial ticket email is sent once
FIXED: Inquire before buy missing inquirer email address
FIXED: Attendee list reply on evors ajax url
FIXED: when no tickets available still showing 0 available
FIXED: ticket email subject convert special characters to HTML
FIXED: Validate for complete order before checking-in tickets
FIXED: Repeat intervals not showing correct remaining tickets
UPDATED: Legit looking ticket for event tickets
UPDATED: Changed event ticket creating action hook to woocommerce_pre_payment_complete
UPDATED: Accurately reduce tickets remainging when added to cart on AJAX
UPDATED: Compatibility with woocommerce 2.5.1

v 1.1.10 (2015-10-27)
FIXED: attendees separated for repeating events in view attendees
FIXED: Correct repeat event ticket count showing
FIXED: Corect repeat even times in event ticket
FIXED: Duplicated event ticket times showing different
FIXED: Capacity for repeating events not limiting order quantity
FIXED: Ticket holder names coming in as blank
FIXED: Attributes not showing up for selection in variable items
TESTED: repeat events capacity reducion
NOTE: Require eventon 2.3.11

v 1.1.9 (2015-9-21)
FIXED: ticket price not showing when creating new ticket via event
FIXED: Event ticket time not translated correctly

v 1.1.8 (2015-8-31)
FIXED: Compatibility with Woocommerce version 2.4+
FIXED: Non-ticket products showing in tickets email
FIXED: Redirect to cart not working
FIXED: all events columns not showing correct woo active items
FIXED: Sales price not working
FIXED: Missing language translations in ticket email
FIXED: ticket holder contact info missing in ticket email

v 1.1.7 (2015-8-5)
FIXED: variable products add to cart on fullcal and dailyview not working
FIXED: () showing on ticket when SKU is empty
FIXED: View attendees not working
FIXED: All events on wp-admin showing woocommerce status wrong

v 1.1.6 (2015-5-20)
UPDATED: compatibility to eventon 2.3.2

v 1.1.5 (2015-4-2)
FIXED: Checkout and view cart text translations mixup
FIXED: Missing translation in tickets view page
FIXED: Missing ticket section in my accounts page

v 1.1.4 (2015-3-30)
ADDED: Missing shopping cart translations
FIXED: End time not showing correct in event ticket
FIXED: illegal string offset ticket on confirmation email

v 1.1.3 (2015-2-19)
ADDED: Ability to resend ticket email from ticket and order edit pages
FIXED: Not sending ticket emails as a guest

v 1.1.2(2015-2-16)
FIXED: error on sending emails
FIXED: removed unsupported new event tickets button on wp-admin

v1.1.1 (2015-2-13)
FIXED: Time of events in tickets error
FIXED: Ticket image not able to delete from event edit page
FIXED: Not sending ticket emails

v1.1 (2015-2-10)
ADDED: Ability to not send ticket emails to customer
ADDED: Settings link to plugins page
ADDED: Repeating event ticket capacity management
ADDED: POT file support for backend text
ADDED: Ability to copy and customize ticket email
ADDED: support for event ticket image & caption
ADDED: Event featured image be copied to woocommerce product
ADDED: Ability to sort orders in wp-admin by ticket order or not
ADDED: Ability for customers to inquire questions before buying
ADDED: All event tickets to show event time in cart
FIXED: Order notes dissapearance
FIXED: view attendees not showing all the attendees
FIXED: Ticket product to be saved as virtual product
FIXED: Not to send ticket email for guest order checkouts
FIXED: Variable tickets not getting added to cart
FIXED: Correct variable item variations not adding to cart
FIXED: remaining ticket count be integer
FIXED: Not to emails for non ticket orders
UPDATED: Add to cart code solving minor bugs
UPDATED: New cooler loading icon

v1.0.2 (2014-11-5)
FIXED: Non repeating events showing incorrect event date on order information

v1.0.1 (2014-10-23)
FIXED: Minor string offset error

v1.0 (2014-10-21)

  • ADDED: Compatibility with our new QR code checkin addon
    ADDED: Edit event button to corresponding WC product edit page
    ADDED: SKU to ticket product title
    ADDED: Ability to check in each ticket for multiple people party
    ADDED: Ability to search tickets by number in wp-admin tickets section
    ADDED: Manage ticket out of stock straight from event edit page
    ADDED: Ability to show tickets to only loggedin users
    ADDED: You can now send confirmation ticket email again to customer
    ADDED: Remining ticket count to show only after certain number
    ADDED: Style color customization for notification bar items
    FIXED: Repeating events to show correct date when added to cart
    FIXED: Price text translation not working
    FIXED: Ticket title to have event date in case multiple events with same title
    FIXED: Orders without logged in customers not recording their names for ticket sale
    FIXED: Redirect to cart option for after adding to cart
    FIXED: Out of stock not showing right
    FIXED: Styles for widget add to cart notification message & responsive styles
    FIXED: Orders over 10 not showing correct quantity
    FIXED: Show remaining not saving as NO
    FIXED: Sold individually items not getting added to cart

v 0.3 (2014-9-18)

  • FIXED: Widget add to cart notification style fix
    FIXED: Add to cart button not working correct for some items
    FIXED: Addon initial check and eventon 2.2.18 up compatibility

v 0.2 (2014-9-4)

  • FIXED: Woocommerce installed check not working correct for some
  • FIXED: Duplicate events not creating correct event ticket woo product
  • FIXED: Remaining tickets still shows when stock status is out of stock

v 0.1 (2014-6-24)

  • Initial release

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