Changelog for RSVP Events Waitlist

Last Updated: November 6, 2024

v 1.1.3 (2024-11-6)
FIXED: is_waitlist_active() to check on event validity

v 1.1.2 (2024-10-24)
FIXED: when RSVP capacity is 0 guests are not added to waitlist
FIXED: Missing translation
FIXED: php 8.2 compatibility
FIXED: EventON 4.7 event settings compatibility

v 1.1.1 (2023-3-28)
FIXED: sync count offering waitlist into guest list
FIXED: offer_space_to_waitlist() function -= error

v 1.1 (2023-2-6)
ADDED: add waitlist guest to list from lightbox
ADDED: ability to move guest to waitlist from attendee list
ADDED: Ability to email waitlist guests only from event edit emailing
ADDED: waitlist to actionuser event manager
FIXED: Auto sync rsvp counts after moving to list
UPDATED: Add to attendance list to run via ajax

v 1.0.1 (2022-12-20)
ADDED: join the waitlist button to open rsvp form
FIXED: attendee changing rsvp status show as in waitlist
UPDATED: layout styles to be more flow

v 1.0 (2022-12-13)
ADDED: Sync count to also process waitlist items
FIXED: waitlist attendees to get notification email upon confirm space
FIXED: no waitlist to show 0 on rsvp event stats
FIXED: waitlist count not refreshing after adding to waitlist
FIXED: confirmed attendee changing rsvp to no not offered to waitlist
UPDATED: front-end design and layout

v 0.6 (2022-12-1)
ADDED: waitlist count to show with event edit page rsvp stats
FIXED: admin notification email getting waitlist message
FIXED: waitlist guest cancel registration

v 0.5 (2021-1-6)
FIXED: incorrect translation on eventcard not working
FIXED: manage capacity separate for repeats notice
FIXED: missing notice when repeat capacity is enable waitlist is not working
FIXED: eventtop showing na as space remaining count
REQ: rsvp 2.6.14

v 0.4 (2020-2-11)
FIXED: missing text strings in translations
FIXED: Compatibility with events with no rsvp space left
FIXED: new form success message when added to waitlist auto

v 0.3 (2019-1-21)
FIXED: waitlist event top notification showing on all rsvp events

v 0.2 (2019-1-16)
FIXED: Addons setting inclusion

v 0.1 (2018-12-27)
Initial release

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