Changelog for ICS Importer

Last Updated: March 5, 2025

v 2.0.5 (2025-3-5)
FIXED: ics url getting escaped incorrectly

v 2.0.4 (2024-11-14)
FIXED: import ICS file from remote lightbox controls not working
REQ: EventON 4.7.3

v 2.0.3 (2024-11-6)
FIXED: php 8.2 issues
FIXED: toTimezone() not processing certain timezones correctly
FIXED: print_imported_events() line 204 error call on null

v 2.0.2 (2024-1-3)
ADDED: fetch and import type settings
ADDED: php version validation notice
FIXED: PHP 8.3 errors
FIXED: all day event end date detection

v 2.0.1 (2023-12-5)
ADDED: hourly ics auto import cron schedule
FIXED: settings link from plugin page
FIXED: IcalParser lib toTimezone() return mixed error

v 2.0 (2023-10-13)
ADDED: ability to set custom timezone for importing events
ADDED: new side panel options to hide end time on imported events
ADDED: new side panel option to set user interaction
ADDED: new side panel option to modify all processed events times
FIXED: use wp_remote_get instead of download_url() for ICS files
UPDATED: ICS file processing via lightbox window
UPDATED: use eventon settings library

v 1.1.4 (2020-10-22)
FIXED: all day events end day importing as one day past
FIXED: validate the cron schedule passed values
FIXED: Compatibility with eventON 4.0

v 1.1.3 (2020-11-4)
FIXED: compatibility with eventON 3.0
FIXED: PHP new version compatibility issue with icalParser.php

v 1.1.2 (2020-7-29)
ADDED: Option to import past events as well
FIXED: cron errors on class
FIXED: ics from fetching past events

v 1.1.1 (2020-7-16)
FIXED: events not importing as publish
FIXED: Call to undefined method evoics_cron::record_log()
FIXED: manual file upload method giving error on first time use

v 1.1 (2020-6-19)
ADDED: hover over description to show excerpt of it
FIXED: remove \ from text
FIXED: multiline description not capturing
FIXED: description starting with http: breaking description
FIXED: a line starting with : not getting recognized
UPDATED: minor style changes
UPDATED: ics parsing library

v 1.0.4 (2019-9-20)
FIXED: sync already imported events not updating event name
FIXED: ICS time passed with TZID not processing the event time
FIXED: Ics file description not passing through correct

v 1.0.3 (2019-8-26)
ADDED: ability to edit date time by clicking on them before processing
FIXED: Duplicate event imports
FIXED: Undefined start and end date on ICS file
FIXED: support for google calendar exported ics all day events

v 1.0.2 (2017-12-19)
FIXED: setting default UTC timezone when timezone adjusting is disable
FIXED: cron jobs not recording the importing information correct
FIXED: Import to support new PHP version
FIXED: Deselect all not working correct

v 1.0.1 (2017-8-25)
ADDED: Imported events convert into links with event edit page link
ADDED: Skipped events count during import
FIXED: manual link missing error for manual upload types
FIXED: cron schedule not removing once set to manual syncing
FIXED: individual fetched events select not working
FIXED: Status field missing on import processing values
FIXED: not importing events unless clicked select all
FIXED: fetching process messages and progress not showing correct
FIXED: alreasy synced events not getting updated
FIXED: publish fetched events still saving as draft
UPDATED: success message layout design

v 1.0 (2017-7-7)
ADDED: Ability to set schedule imports from ICS file
ADDED: Ability to import events from an external ICS file URL
ADDED: Ability cron based auto importing
ADDED: UID based sync already uploaded events
ADDED: view past auto scheduled import log
UPDATED: settings layout placements
REQUIRE: Eventon 2.5.5

v 0.3 (2017-3-27)
ADDED: Pluggable hook for skipping fields when saving fields
FIXED: Location with quotation marks not showing correct

v 0.2 (2016-10-10)
UPDATED: compatibility with eventon 2.4.7

v 0.1 (2016-8-22)
Initial release

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