Changelog for Sync Events

Last Updated: December 20, 2018

v 1.2.3 (2018-12-20)
FIXED: sync already imported events to update event name as well
FIXED: Settings page not showing correct section on load
FIXED: apostrophe not passing through
FIXED: multiple google calendar profiles not auto loading events

v 1.2.2 (2018-7-25)
ADDED: ability to disable duplicate event name check before fetching
FIXED: fetched events object error for gcal fetching
UPDATED: google api steps
UPDATED: Facebook notice

v 1.2.1 (2018-3-26)
ADDED: post exists to avoid duplicate event creation for syncing
ADDED: pre process fetched events to meet eventon data structure needs for auto sync
ADDED: behind the scene recording auto sync activities
FIXED: when no data returned from source keep loading
FIXED: error catching when end time not passed for facebook events
FIXED: incorrect times when saving fetched facebook events
FIXED: undefined end time not validating during process
FIXED: repeating event data not saving on auto sync

v 1.2 (2018-2-19)
ADDED: support for ticket uri and repeating event data
ADDED: ticket uri to be used as learn more link
ADDED: support for organizer for facebook events
ADDED: option to enable delete events from site when deleted on google cal
FIXED: use event end date to assess past or future event
FIXED: apostrophe in facebook name not saving correct
UPDATED: sync addon class initiating using instance method

v 1.1.3 (2017-11-29)
FIXED: already synced events message error
FIXED: Locaiton with ‘ not passing correct
FIXED: Fetched image not assigned to events
FIXED: undefined term issue
UPDATED: cron sync already imported events function conditions

v 1.1.2 (2017-9-18)
FIXED: Imported events not enabling generate map from address
FIXED: already set cron schedules not removing once sync set to manual

v 1.1.1 (2017-6-19)
FIXED: fetched events not saving as publish posts
UPDATED: notice whether already imported event will sync or not

v 1.1 (2017-5-30)
ADDED: AJAX based facebook and google event fetching
ADDED: AJAX based importing events into site
ADDED: Ability to assign event type or event type 2 for imported events separately
ADDED: Ablity to set custom offset time for imported events
ADDED: Upto 5 google calendar profiles with pluggable filters to expand
ADDED: Schedule driven fetching events
ADDED: Ability to run scheduled fetching manually
FIXED: Facebook events with no location name not creating location maps
FIXED: Select and deselect all to not use already synced
FIXED: Facebook only fetching maximum 25 events
FIXED: Correctly linking to imported events
FIXED: All day events correctly saving into events
FIXED: Previously imported events to be compatible with new imports
FIXED: Google calendar all day events fetch on correct dates
UPDATED: settings information for both facebook and google with guided information
UPDATED: settings UI layout improvement

v 1.0.2 (2016-10-18)
FIXED: Compatibility with eventon 2.4.7 locations
FIXED: Google cal event details sync when details are deleted

v 1.0.1 (2016
FIXED: Location not generating the google map after import
UPDATED: Location taxonomy saving function

v 1.0 (2016-5-19)
ADDED: Support for better event location data from facebook
ADDED: Other fetched information column to see all the data fetched before export
ADDED: Option to not fetch images
ADDED: Ability to set default event type for fetched events
ADDED: Support for more than one google calendar fetching
ADDED: Support for google calendar all day events
ADDED: Option to adjust fetched time according to timezone provided
ADDED: Ability to click and edit fetched event times before commiting to process
ADDED: Ability to select all deselect all fields from fetched fields
FIXED: Event detail changes reflect on update to fetched events
FIXED: Styles and scripts not loading on admin pages when https called
FIXED: Events with no time causing error during fetching
FIXED: Minor style issues and updates
UPDATED: Event Locations be saved into location taxnomies

v 0.6 (2015-10-29)
FIXED: facebook import not going through

v 0.5 (2015-10-19)
FIXED: Google calendar saving incorrect time

v 0.4 (2015-8-9)
FIXED: Facebook not fetching events due to outdated is_date_only

v 0.3 (2015-6-10)
ADDED: Php requirement notice
ADDED: facebook fetching error messages
UPDATED: Settings instructions and tooltips
FIXED: Google calendar only pulling 7 events

v 0.2 (2015-6-5)
FIXED: Sync tab not showing for some users to perform the sync

v0.1 (2015-5-26)
Initial release

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