Changelog for Events Map

Last Updated: March 4, 2025

v 1.5.3 (2025-3-4)
FIXED: Refactor the map generation code for all events
FIXED: PHP 8.2 issues
FIXED: hover over marker to stop hiding events
FIXED: All map button not centering correctly
UPDATED: Info window styles

v 1.5.2 (2024-4-15)
FIXED: setCenter NaN error with Latlon values

v 1.5.1 (2024-3-29)
ADDED: preload map animation
FIXED: eventON 4.6 compatibility

v 1.5 (2023-7-10)
FIXED: Missing all events text translation
FIXED: eventON 4.4 compatibility
UPDATED: minor styles changes

v 1.4.8 (2022-7-14)
ADDED: show all events button on calendar header to see all the events
FIXED: color lightbox not changing text color to white
FIXED: map zoomlevel not passing correct to initializer()
FIXED: eventON 4.1 compatibility

v 1.4.7 (2021-4-15)
FIXED: after search map not refreshing

v 1.4.6 (2021-3-18)
FIXED: undefined showing for missing location address
UPDATED: Map styles and layouts
REMOVED: custom map markers not working

v 1.4.5 (2019-11-12)
FIXED: Map height set via shortcode not working
UPDATED: Code to remove redundant codes that are deprecated
UPDATED: imagecreatefrompng() to use relative image path
REQ: EventON 2.8

v 1.4.4 (2019-6-28)
FIXED: Event location archive page with special characters not working
FIXED: custom map styles not working properly on all event map
REQ: eventON 2.7

v 1.4.3 (2019-2-1)
FIXED: All events map to load markers super fast
FIXED: All maps text translation missing.
FIXED: Incorrect tooltip on shortcode generator
FIXED: all events map not showing events if number of months not set
FIXED: reduced timeout interval for adding markers
FIXED: map location with commas not redirecting to correct page
UPDATED: Plugin initiation function

v 1.4.2 (2017-2-9)
ADDED: When there is only one event map zoom level to replicate google map API value
ADDED: ability to select custom marker icon for maps
ADDED: ability to replicate the same custom map styles
FIXED: backend causing script errors
FIXED: Event Location url on info box encoding special characters
FIXED: Long location names not opening correct encoded URL
UPDATED: Lightbox compatibility with new eventon lightbox function
UPDATED: Minor style changes
UPDATED: Support for eventon 2.5 concatenated styles
UPDATED: addon compatibilities with eventon 2.5
REQUIRED: Eventon 2.5

v 1.4.1 (2016-10-27)
FIXED: Number of months not correctly reflecting on the map
FIXED: No events on initial map load to stop loading animation

v 1.4 (2016-7-12)
ADDED: All upcoming events map default 12 months
FIXED: Missins translations for text strings
UPDATED: Loading animation not working added new one

v 1.3 (2016-5-9)
UPDATED: Several code improvements to load correct map markers
UPDATED: Markers to use location coordinates instead of address
REQUIRES: EventON 2.3.22

v 1.2 (2016-3-2)
FIXED: When starting month doesn not have events map doesnt work

v 1.1 (2016-2-24)
ADDED: Ability to disable map clusters
ADDED: Ability to set default map center
ADDED: No events and loading map markers html elements over map
FIXED: https content url loading
FIXED: map cluster to load cluster images locally
FIXED: locationData undefined error

v 1.0 (2015-11-1)
ADDED: Option to show all events on load w/o having to click markers
ADDED: Location page link into to info window for markers
ADDED: Ability to open events as lightbox list
ADDED: Support for repeating events on the map
FIXED: map markers not showing correctly
FIXED: Event types not working on map
FIXED: Sorting options not working on the map
FIXED: fixed month/year setting not switching months
FIXED: Wrong location name and address

v 0.7 (2014-9-22)
FIXED: Events not showing when clicked on marker
UPDATED: Option to use default markers vs dynamic markers

v 0.6 (2014-9-18)
FIXED: Addon initial check and compatibility with eventon 2.2.18 up

v 0.5 (2014-9-16)
ADDED: Custom Marker images
FIXED: Compatibility with eventon 2.2.18
FIXED: Map scoll wheel sync with eventon settings
FIXED: No event months to hide map

v 0.4 (2014-6-1)
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.2.12

v 0.3 (2014-5-20)
FIXDE: Slowness in wp-admin

v 0.2 (2014-3-13)
UPDATED: compatibility with eventON 2.2.8

v 0.1 (2014-2-13)
Initial Release

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