Changelog for Speakers & Schedule

February 15, 2023

v 2.0.2 (2023-2-14)
FIXED: schedule date header click changes it

v 2.0.1 (2023-2-10)
ADDED: company field for speaker
FIXED: schedule description list getting duplicate styles
FIXED: schedule order not saving correctly

v 2.0 (2023-1-31)
ADDED: html editor for schedule description
ADDED: speakers and schedule in separate meta box that loads via ajax
ADDED: support for no time restricted schedule items
ADDED: support for schedule additional notes section
ADDED: schedule speaker to open lightbox more information about speaker
FIXED: EventON 4.3 compatibility
FIXED: scripts and styles to only load on event edit page
FIXED: list style disc override
FIXED: when no end time in schedule hide duplicate times
UPDATED: speakers editing to use eventon global taxonomy objects
UPDATED: schedule editing to use global eventon functions
UPDATED: frontend design and layout

v 1.0.5 (2022-1-28)
FIXED: quotation marks on speaker title

v 1.0.4 (2021-12-27)
ADDED: speaker and schedule anchor IDs on the event card boxes
FIXED: if only one day in schedule not show day number
FIXED: lightbox window speaker description not formatting content
FIXED: speakers page formatting
FIXED: schedule date month not translated

v 1.0.3 (2020-10-26)
FIXED: image url not validated for loading
FIXED: speaker flex wrap style – thanks Patrick R.
FIXED: schedule saved in certain date format not showing date correct on eventcard
UPDATED: minor eventcard styles refresh

v 1.0.2 (2020-6-22)
FIXED: schedule sorting not working
FIXED: speaker image not centered

v 1.0.1 (2020-6-19)
ADDED: Ability to add custom day number for days
FIXED: compatibility with font awesome 5.12 library

v 1.0 (2018-12-11)
ADDED: Speaker to have URL field that open in new window
ADDED: Ability to sort the schedule blocks in order
FIXED: eventcard speaker and schedule field loading errors
UPDATED: Frontend schedule styles and layout design
UPDATED: Addon initiation process
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.8

v 0.13 (2018-12-11)
ADDED: Speaker to have URL field that open in new window

v 0.12 (2018-5-28)
FIXED: showing empty row when schedule is deleted
FIXED: empty schedule showing line in event edit sometimes

v 0.11 (2018-3-30)
FIXED: long job title eclipse not working right
FIXED: speaker item alignement issues
FIXED: eventon 2.6.6 styles fixes

v 0.10 (2017-11-29)
ADDED: speaker individual page
ADDED: Compatibility with eventon lists and items addon
FIXED: font awesome icons not working
FIXED: filter name not translating
FIXED: font awesome icons changes reflect on event edit page as well
UPDATED: addon initiation process
UDPATED: Compatibility with eventon 2.6.1

v 0.9 (2017-6-1)
FIXED: Truncated job title text to fit in space for speaker
FIXED: Required fields with asterisk on edit event page
FIXED: Only first schedule item to show the date for schedule
UPDATED: concatenated style support for eventon 2.5

v 0.8 (2017-3-6)
ADDED: Support for filtering calendar events by event_speaker shortcode var
FIXED: Schedule date be formatted based on wordpress date format
FIXED: Missing translatable text

v 0.7 (2017-1-20)
ADDED: Schedule date format match wordpress date format
FIXED: Missing comma for multiple speakers on schedule
FIXED: Minor style mismatch
UPDATED: Support for eventon 2.5 concatenated styles
UPDATED: Font family for eventon 2.5

v 0.6 (2016-11-28)
FIXED: +- icons switched to match scenario
FIXED: Speaker lightbox z value
FIXED: RTL compatibility
FIXED: Schedule days not staying in sequence
UPDATED: Show hide class name getting override in themes

v 0.5 (2016-11-18)
FIXED: Repeat events date not showing for schedule dates

v 0.4 (2016-11-15)
ADDED: Support for repeating events
FIXED: asort days order for schedule

v 0.3 (2016-11-14)
FIXED: Add new speaker tag from wp-admin not saving meta values

v 0.2 (2016-10-31)
FIXED: function error when plugin activated

v 0.1 (2016-10-18)
Initial release

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