Changelog for Countdown

Last Updated: October 4, 2024

v 1.2 (2024-10-4)
FIXED: event edit yes no button code
FIXED: event count down to use UTC offset time by default
FIXED: compatibility with eventON 4.7 language
UPDATED: Moved count down event edit settings to a lightbox for fast loading

v 1.1 (2023-1-23)
ADDED: compact layout style support
ADDED: boxed countdown timer style back from original design
FIXED: minor styles issue
FIXED: lightbox countdown not running
FIXED: countdown timer not working on lightbox events
FIXED: compatibility with eventON 4.3

v 1.0 (2022-7-20)
REQ: EventON 4.1 compatibility

v 0.17 (2021-8-2)
ADDED: countdown timer colors on tiles in appearance settings

v 0.16 (2021-5-4)
FIXED: eventcard text translations

v 0.15 (2021-3-16)
FIXED: virtual event timer text
FIXED: adjusted to showing pre-event timer based on timezone
REQ: EventON 3.1.1

v 0.14 (2021-2-18)
ADDED: before event start count down timer for virtual events
ADDED: option to hide the virtual event countdown timer
FIXED: event edit meta box styles

v 0.13 (2020-4-22)
FIXED: Minor RTL styles on countdown

v 0.12 (2020-4-14)
FIXED: RTL styles not showing correct
FIXED: multiple timers showing same time value

v 0.11 (2020-3-27)
FIXED: script calling run_timer function
FIXED: timer not working when month switched

v 0.10 (2020-3-16)
FIXED: eventON 2.8.6 compatibility for ajax loaded calendars not working

v 0.9 (2019-11-26)
FIXED: eventon compatibility issues
FIXED: addon initiation setup up todate
FIXED: lightbox tooltip on event edit page

v 0.8 (2019-9-2)
FIXED: appearnace colors not changing on the frontend
FIXED: https causing styles and scripts to not load on the website
FIXED: Styles not loading correct on the webpage

v 0.7 (2019-6-28)
FIXED: Lightbox countdown timer opening more than one not working
REQ: EventON 2.7.2

v 0.6 (2019-6-14)
FIXED: countdown timer not working on lightbox eventcards
UPDATED: Design layout for timer to be more integrated in eventTop

v 0.5 (2018-12-5)
FIXED: countdown timer not running but stays in static mode
UPDATED: main countdown timer object to run as an instance of the object

v 0.4 (2018-5-29)
FIXED: counter colors not changing from appearance
FIXED: countdown timer text not showing translated when value is equal to one

v 0.3 (2017-7-31)
ADDED: Support for primary and secondary font change
FIXED: Minor style issues
UPDATED: Font family to match eventon 2.5 fonts

v 0.2 (2016-10-27)
ADDED: Option to offset expiration time
ADDED: Ability to set expiration time to start or end of event
FIXED: popup styles
UPDATED: support for intergration with tickets addon 1.3

v 0.1 (2015-4-6)
Initial release

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