Changelog for DailyView

Last Updated: January 16, 2025

v 2.1.11 (2025-1-16)
ADDED: language text strings
FIXED: font awesome arrow
FIXED: EventON 4.8 compatibility

v 2.1.10 (2024-6-18)
ADDED: event time icon next to time
FIXED: event time showing twice
FIXED: evo_init_ajax_before() to use now time in DateTime
FIXED: lightbox event from dailyview to show date on eventtop

v 2.1.9 (2024-3-23)
FIXED: clicking on dates add multiple times
FIXED: eventON 4.6.1 compatibility

v 2.1.8 (2024-3-13)
FIXED: view switcher time calculation
FIXED: view switcher draw on evo_vSW_clicked

v 2.1.7 (2024-3-8)
FIXED: click on dates not showing events
FIXED: events on date not updating

v 2.1.6 (2024-3-6)
FIXED: ajax_get_events() not returning $SC parameter

v 2.1.5 (2024-2-2)
FIXED: dailyview style one and oneplus not showing events
FIXED: one day events to just load events in that range
UPDATED: preload animation

v 2.1.4 (2024-1-29)
FIXED: DST adjusted for events
REQ: EventON 4.5.8

v 2.1.3 (2024-1-23)
FIXED: incorrect day name on day strip
FIXED: event time missing month and date for other days

v 2.1.2 (2024-1-17)
ADDED: modification of event time for each event within dailyview
FIXED: correct events not loading on day click
FIXED: disable using custom eventtop structure for calendar

v 2.1.1 (2024-1-15)
FIXED: correct calendar timezone

v 2.1 (2023-8-25)
ADDED: custom eventtop layout structure for just dailyview calendars
ADDED: option to disable custom eventtop layout structure on dailyview cals
FIXED: focus day colors not reflecting on the frontend
FIXED: concatenate styles path
FIXED: eventtop styles misalignments
UPDATED: day strip styles

v 2.0.5 (2022-6-1)
ADDED: new shortcode parameter dv_scroll_style to set various scrolling styles

v 2.0.4 (2022-5-10)
FIXED: prev month via arrow moving to first of month instead of continuous
FIXED: day stripe mobile swipe function interaction corrections

v 2.0.3 (2022-2-16)
FIXED: event dots more than 3 not appearing

v 2.0.2 (2022-2-4)
FIXED: day strip arrows switching month instead of scrolling
FIXED: day strip previous day arrow switching to end of month date

v 2.0.1 (2021-12-22)
FIXED: clicking on date strip not loading events
FIXED: all month events loading on load

v 2.0 (2021-12-13)
ADDED: compatibility with cal_init_nonajax=’yes’
ADDED: loading animation for grid
FIXED: one day view showing the next all day event
FIXED: prev day button not switching to last day of month
FIXED: day strip showing all day events on previous date
FIXED: all day events showing dash for end time
UPDATED: Calendar styles
UPDATED: dv_view_style shortcode value to change calendar view styles
UPDATED: EventON 4.0 view switcher compatibility

v 1.0.12 (2020-6-22)
FIXED: font awesome arrow correct
FIXED: minor arrow misalignment issues

v 1.0.11 (2020-1-9)
FIXED: JSON global value getting overridden by an error in code
FIXED: End range time not set correct to 23:59:59

v 1.0.10 (2019-12-6)
FIXED: some timezones day switch stop working

v 1.0.9 (2019-11-12)
ADDED: event events passed on to page for correct translations
ADDED: main evo ajax complete trigger hooks to js
FIXED: with continuous scrolling filters switching focus day to end of month
FIXED: Appreance current day styles getting overridden
FIXED: https causing styles files to not load properly
FIXED: widget event title styles
FIXED: Scrollwheel day stripe scrolling not working
UPDATED: addon initiation method using instance
UPDAETD: compatibility with eventON 2.8

v 1.0.8 (2018-1-30)
FIXED: today event not working corret
ADDED: continuous month scrolling from days stripe

v 1.0.7 (2017-10-11)
FIXED: mobile dailyview scroll of days strip skipping days
FIXED: Addon iniating multiple times
UPDATED: Loader bar animation to be compatible with evo 2.6

v 1.0.6 (2017-7-7)
FIXED: undefined $number_days_in_month error
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventon 2.5.5 version
UPDATED: new filter evodv_daily_view_list

v 1.0.5 (2017-3-3)
FIXED: Style not loading with new eventon version
FIXED: mo1st changing days to 1st of month when using filters
UPDATED: addon initiation setup
UPDATED: Eventon requirement not meeting causing errors

v 1.0.4 (2016-12-12)
FIXED: left arrow not moving to previous date
FIXED: font family update for eventon 2.5
FIXED: php versions that doesnt support cal_days_in_month function alternative
UPDATED: Font family pluggability

v 1.0.3 (2016-11-23)
ADDED: day strip arrows to also scroll day strip while switching months
ADDED: Top days box arrows to also switch months
FIXED: switch to first of month issues

v 1.0.2 (2016-11-12)
FIXED: Missing dailyview appearance
FIXED: Styles for day section

v 1.0.1 (2016-8-24)
FIXED: Removed new jq mobile script that was altering website behavior
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.4.5

v 1.0 (2016-8-5)
ADDED: compatibility with all month events
ADDED: Day strip to show event tags with color and names upto 3
ADDED: Prev and Next arrows to go to respective months from day strip
ADDED: Tooltip style event names on day strip
UPDATED: Day stip scrolling interactions
UPDATED: Compatibility with checkbox style sort/filtering
UPDATED: Mobile compatibility for days strip

v 0.31 (2015-5-14)
FIXED: Fixed day not working

v 0.30 (2015-4-22)
UPDATED: Compatibility to eventon 2.3.1
UPDATED: Compatibility with go to today button
FIXED: Filter JS not called for none DV calendars

v 0.29 (2015-2-14)
FIXED: Load 1st of month not working when switching months
FIXED: Dailyview next day button going back

v 0.28 (2015-2-6)
FIXED: Click on previous day arrow breaking calendar

v 0.27 (2015-1-28)
FIXED: Month jumper not working

v0.26 (2015-1-22)
FIXED: Compatibility with eventon 2.2.22
FIXED: Php template tags not working

v0.25 (2014-9-18)
FIXED: End of month day events not showing correct
UPDATED: Addon Validation steps for compatibility with eventon 2.2.18

v0.24 (2014-9-16)
FIXED: Days strip not working

v0.23 (2014-9-10)
ADDED: Ability to create today only events calendar
ADDED: Option to hide current focused date section
ADDED: Events language translation
ADDED: Switch months to go to 1st of month
ADDED: Seperate class name for days past focus day on day strip for styling
UPDATED: Shortcode variables
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventon 2.2.17

v0.22 (2014-8-22)
FIXED: Day stripe going outside box

v0.21 (2014-7-9)
ADDED: New current date section for the dailyview
ADDED: color customization for the dailyview calendar
UPDATED: Days stripe arrows and faded corners
UPDATED: Front-end UI for the dailyView look

v0.20 (2014-6-1)

ADDED: Event time to be highlighted instead of date on dailyview calendar
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventON 2.2.12

v0.19 (2014-5-20)
UPDATED: Slowness on wp-admin pages

v0.18 (2014-4-10)
FIXED: language switching for L2 not working correct

v0.17 (2014-4-4)
FIXED: Languages other than L1 not working

v0.16 (2014-3-26)
UPDATED: compatibility with eventon 2.2.9

v0.15 (2014-3-13)
UPDATED: Compatibility with eventon 2.2.8

v0.14 (2014-2-13)
FIXED: EventON auto update error caused by addons and compatibility to eventON 2.2.7

v0.13 (2014-1-30)
FIXED: events panning across multiple months not showing correct on days strip
FIXED: days strip width corrections – to avoid hiding days
FIXED: days focus correctly when switching months

FIXED: fixed month, and month incre variable errors
FIXED: end days of a month getting dropped to a new line and dissappearring issue
FIXED: last day of month with events not showing as days with events

v0.11 (2013-12-6)
FIXED: fixed_day shortcode variable malfunctionability
FIXED: fixed_day value actually focusing on the day strip of calendar
UPDATED: to use date_i18n() instead date() for better localized timing

v 0.10 (2013-11-25)
FIXED: php template code error

v0.9 (2013-11-21)
FIXED: JQuery delegate() => on()
FIXED: interferance of code with full cal addon
UPDATED: compatibility with eventon 2.2

v0.8 (2013-8-6)
FIXED: Multi filters are working again to filter those events
TWEAKED: compatibility with eventON 2.1.14
TWEAKED: javascript files are now loaded only when DV is active

v0.7 (2013-6-26)
ADDED: days can now be scrolled across with mouse wheel
FIXED: multiday events starting in previous month now get shown correctly
UPDATED: month switching animation

FIXED: minor bugs

FIXED: days with events highlight error on multi-day events
TWEAK: this addon can now be installed as a regular WP plugin

FIXED: compatibility with other addons

v 0.3
FIXED: sort bar for event type categories
FIXED: styling for event list
UPDATED: to match the new element class names on eventon version 2.1.5

v 0.2
FIXED: custom languages on date names

v 0.1
Initial release

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