Changelog for Include Anything Addon

Last Updated: August 21, 2023

v 0.6 (2023-8-21)
ADDED: sync minute increment values to match eventon settings
FIXED: admin side text translations
FIXED: if include anything is turned off for a post, skip saving meta values

v 0.5 (2023-6-5)
FIXED: offset type error on frontend.php 118
FIXED: event_etop_data() incorrect array filtering
FIXED: incorrect addon details
FIXED: guide details updated
FIXED: PHP 8.2 version compatibility issues

v 0.4 (2023-3-23)
ADDED: input field to enter HEX color codes
REDQ: EventON 4.1

v 0.3 (2022-3-15)
FIXED: colorpicker not opening up on post and pages
FIXED: meta box styling

v 0.2 (2022-3-7)
FIXED: color picker not working
FIXED: EventON 4.0 compatibility

v 0.1 (2020-12-28)
Initial release

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