How To Install and Use the Include Anything Addon

Last Updated: January 22, 2025

Creating custom calendars to showcase planned events is at the heart of every event organizer. The Include Anything addon makes embedding post types to calendars a breeze which gets you a step closer to designing the most appealing calendar for your site visitors. This is a game-changer that can help to ensure that your featured posts stand out and get the attention that they need. This is essential for every marketing site for a small business owner. For example, you can embed course posts within the calendar so that site visitors can learn more about the different classes that you are offering.

By default, WordPress comes with a few different post types such as the ones listed below:

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Attachments
  • Revisions
  • Navigation Menus
  • Custom CSS
  • Changesets

Each of the post types listed above can be included in your calendar. Most of the popular plugins also register custom post types that can be included in the calendar as well. For example, WooCommerce registers the products post type.


Before getting started, be sure to install and update the EventOn plugin by downloading it from your Codecanyon account. You can follow our tutorial on how to install & activate Eventon.

Next, you’ll need to install and activate the Include Anything addon by following our general guide on how to install EventOn addons.

Adding a post to the calendar

The first step is to make the post visible to the events calendar. Create a new post by heading over to your WP Dashboard > Posts > Add New. Include the post title and content and then head over to the Include in Events metabox and toggle the option to enable this feature!

Define the date range to include this post on the calendar. This post will only be visible in the calendar for this duration and then the calendar will fall back to the default layout.

Within this metabox, you can also configure the following settings:

  • Title for this post – Add a custom title that will be used on the calendar grid or row.
  • Subtitle for this post – Add a custom sub-title that will appear below the main title on the calendar.
  • Color to use for this post – This gives you the option to assign a custom color to the post for easy identification on the calendar.
  • Link for this post – By default, this calendar item will link to the post’s permalink but you can override this and add a custom link that site visitors will be redirected to when they click on this post.
  • Open the link in a new window – Enable this option to open the link defined above in a new window.
  • (Optional) Tracking Code – Add an analytics tracking code to this field to collect tracking data such as the time users spend on a webpage, search terms used, and how they came to the site.

Displaying the post in the shortcode

In order to display all the selected posts in your calendar, you’ll need to modify the shortcode attributes and pass the following parameter:


You can also enable this in the shortcode generator like so:

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