Changelog for QRcode

Last Updated: August 16, 2024

v 2.0.4 (2024-8-16)
FIXED: styles for tickets email
FIXED: checkin tickets not returning correct event time
FIXED: order edit url only if user has permission

v 2.0.3 (2024-6-6)
FIXED: Tickets 2.3 compatibility
UPDATED: Styles on checking page

v 2.0.2 (2024-4-9)
FIXED: use qrserver instead of google API for qr code generation

v 2.0.1 (2024-1-12)
ADDED: various API endpoints for checking guests via mobile app
FIXED: php 8.2 compatibility

v 2.0 (2021-1-4)
ADDED: other checkin page colors into appearance settings
ADDED: enter new ticket ID button on success page
ADDED: get_page_data() to pass on ticket meta data from tickets addon
ADDED: qr code images hidden on media library page
ADDED: new qr code images be moved to ../uploads/evo_qr_codes folder
FIXED: encrypted ticket number to show encrypted even for refunded order items
UPDATED: increased default qr code image size to 200px
UPDATED: checking page styles
REQ: EventON 4.0

v 1.1.8 (2021-6-7)
FIXED: tickets checking not working
UPDATED: styles for the front end look

v 1.1.7 (2021-5-20)
ADDED: checking page color options to appearance settings
FIXED: qr code showing on WC emails when order is not completed
FIXED: invalid ticket numbers being able to pass through

v 1.1.6 (2019-9-6)
FIXED: PDFer rsvp PDF file filter update
FIXED: RSVP qrcode email object error
FIXED: Tweaked for RSVP 2.6.6

v 1.1.5 (2019-5-7)
FIXED: Uploaded QR code image to be assigned to correct RSVP or event ticket post
FIXED: qr code encrypted url processing issues
FIXED: scanner gun to only submit once whole value is submitted Thanks @pkorovessis

v 1.1.4 (2019-2-25)
FIXED: QR Code ticket number encryption error

v 1.1.3 (2019-2-16)
ADDED: show order status in the checkin page
ADDED: Ability to disable encrypted ticket numbers
FIXED: show all available roles for allowing checking capability

v 1.1.2 (2018-12-11)
ADDED: Event time to show up in the checking page
ADDED: checking page to be selected from settings page
ADDED: Checkin page shortcode to support lang shortcode variable
FIXED: Event name is not correct for RSVP checking page
UPDATED: To use RSVP post object for checking page
REQ: EventON 2.6.14

v 1.1.1 (2018-10-23)
ADDED: New filters
FIXED: rsvp IDs not processing correct
FIXED: ability to also type in unencrypted IDs
FIXED: IDs with # not validating correctly

v 1.1 (2018-5-9)
ADDED: Filters to change qr code size for tickets
ADDED: Not show qr code for refunded tickets
ADDED: consistent ticket status colors
ADDED: new page for orders that were refunded
ADDED: not allow checking in when orders are refunded or not completed
ADDED: type another ticket number box to result page
ADDED: if custom login url is set via eventon settings use that as QR checking login link
ADDED: hide ticket information on checkin page is user is not loggedin or dont have permission
ADDED: Support for fast checking in guests using a Scanner gun
ADDED: Support for encrypted ticket numnbers
UPDATED: Compatibility with tickets 1.7

v 1.0.5 (2017-10-13)
ADDED: filter for otherdata shown on checking page
FIXED: addon updater running twice on load

v 1.0.4 (2017-10-2)
FIXED: styles loading on incorrect protocol
FIXED: deleted checkin page not created automatically

v 1.0.2 (2017-9-18)
FIXED: addon loading process using class
UPDATED: already checked to have exclamation sign
UPDATED: Compatibility with tickets addon 1.6

v 1.0.1 (2017-7-19)
FIXED: eventon_create_page function error
FIXED: yes no class name not passing correctly
FIXED: already checked in page to have a different color

v 1.0 (2017-1-11)
ADDED: Link to login direct from checking page
ADDED: Ability to see other tickets in the same order
ADDED: Ability to check in other tickets in same order by scanning one
ADDED: Ability to type in ticket IDs
ADDED: Event type terms to show under other ticket information

v 0.5 (2016-5-12)
ADDED: Shortcode that can go in pages to show checkin page section
ADDED: Option to use custom created page as checking page
ADDED: Direct link to QR Code settings page into plugins page
ADDED: Show other ticket information on checking page section
ADDED: Already checked tickets to have different background color
UPDATED: Check for checking page that is published if not create new
UPDATED: Asset loading URL

v 0.4 (2016-2-11)
FIXED: Error caused by new eventon version 2.3.18
UPDATED: Compatibility with tickets addon v 1.2

v 0.3 (2016-1-19)
FIXED: If rsvp status is NO not to include QR code in the email
FIXED: Missing language from qr code sections
UPDATED: Event tickets checkin make sure ticket order is complete
UPDATED: checking to make sure rsvp status is not NO when checking in
TESTED: non-existing ID will not create a ticket and validate

v0.2 (2015-1-16)
FIXED: Compatibility with EventON 2.2.22
FIXED: Settings page remove incorrect settings

v 0.1 (2014-10-22)
Initial release

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