How To Use the QR Code Checkin API

Last Updated: May 8, 2024

The QR Code addon comes with a REST API that can allow developers to access checking data by making GET requests to the endpoints outlined below:

  1. /events_list
    • Method: GET
    • Purpose: You can call this endpoint to retrieve a list of published events on the site.
    • Parameter: You can pass an array containing WP_Query $args
  2. /attendees_list/{ID}
    • Method: GET
    • Purpose: You can use this endpoint to retrieve a list of attendees for a specific event.
    • Parameter: Accepts an event ID
  3. /one_attendee/{ID}
    • Method: GET
    • Purpose: You can use this endpoint to retrieve detailed information about a single attendee including RSVP information if available.
    • Parameter: Accepts the ticket ID
  4. /checkin/{ID}
    • Method: GET
    • Purpose: You can use this endpoint to return the check-in status.
    • Output: “Already checked!”, “Missing Ticket Number”, “Already set to checked out!”, “Ticket purchase order has been refunded”, “Successfully checked!”, “Successfully checked out!”, “Already checked!”, “Already set to checked out!”, “Guest has rsvped as NO!”, “Successfully checked!”, “Successfully checked out!”
    • Parameter: Accepts the ticket number

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