Changelog for Subscriber
Last Updated: March 14, 2025
v 1.4.3 (2024-3-14)
ADDED: View subscriber list from event edit page
ADDED: Subscription email previews to load as lightbox
ADDED: random publish event to use as details for preview emails
FIXED: PHP 8.4 compatibility
FIXED: various styles
FIXED: saving event cause error with call to undefined function
FIXED: Subscription form showing for a split second on page load
FIXED: add to calendar URL not working
v 1.4.2 (2024-4-12)
FIXED: subscriber email not going when event submitted via actionUser
FIXED: event data not initiated for new event email
v 1.4.1 (2024-4-4)
ADDED: event time to include GMT value
FIXED: email sending function to use new variables
FIXED: event time not correct in new event email
UPDATED: new event email
v 1.4 (2024-2-28)
ADDED: Integration with actionUser addon to notify subscribers of new event submission via frontend form
ADDED: pluggable hook evosb_new_subscriber_added when new subscriber added
FIXED: invalid image error
FIXED: spelling error on settings
FIXED: custom template not working
FIXED: eventON 4.5.7 timezone compatibility
UPDATED: layout designs and UI
v 1.3.8 (2022-1-12)
FIXED: mailchimp api key error stopping settings page from loading
v 1.3.7 (2021-10-4)
FIXED: custom more information link guide
FIXED: Missing translation text strings
FIXED: cancel reason not sending through in the email
FIXED: auto notify subscribers value overridding event edit settings
FIXED: subscriber button scrolling the page to top
v 1.3.6 (2020-12-11)
FIXED: language translations not working
v 1.3.5 (2020-10-27)
FIXED: event type categories not showing in the form
FIXED: minor styles update
v 1.3.4 (2020-9-21)
ADDED: settings option to show all category terms in subscription form
FIXED: loading scripts and styles over ssl
FIXED: subscriber page not saved to options
FIXED: event cancelled using event status not sending cancel email
FIXED: undefined content error on cancel reason
FIXED: subscriber meta box not showing in event edit page
v 1.3.3 (2020-2-28)
FIXED: subscriber manager mail function error
FIXED: mailchimp undefined property error
v 1.3.2 (2020-1-28)
FIXED: all subcribers getting new event emails when not in correct category
v 1.3.1 (2019-12-26)
FIXED: cancel event email get sent regardless of event cancellation
v 1.3 (2019-10-10)
ADDED: subscriber count for each event in event edit page
ADDED: event cancellation notice email
ADDED: subscriber name also import to mailchimp
FIXED: new event email settings to override individual event values
FIXED: cancel event emails to also use bcc format
FIXED: missing text translations from subscriber page
FIXED: subscriber manager event type category selection error
FIXED: unsubscribed emails not showing the subscribtion manager
v 1.2.6 (2019-3-6)
FIXED: unsubscribe a user from mailchimp yeilding error message
FIXED: Incorrect email notice on subscribe manager
FIXED: Multiple translation missing text spots
v 1.2.5 (2018-8-7)
FIXED: undefined mailchimp error
FIXED: undefined subscription ID in subscription mange page
FIXED: future schedules events still sending email to subscribers
FIXED: duplicating events to not duplicate sent subscription email status
FIXED: update subscription not working on subscription manager page
UPDATED: subscription manager page layout and UI changes
v 1.2.4 (2018-2-27)
FIXED: mailchimp email lists not showing up for selection
UPDATED: Mailchimp library
UPDATED: Class based addon initiation
v 1.2.3 (2018-1-29)
ADDED: new event email text strings into eventon translation
FIXED: subscriber using form not working
FIXED: subscriber posts showing in auto link generator
FIXED: add to calendar time not correct
FIXED: add to calendar location information not passing through
FIXED: Incorrect email notice
v 1.2.2 (2017-5-25)
FIXED: subscriber posts showing in search results
v 1.2.1 (2017-3-6)
FIXED: new event email time be formatted based on eventon settings
FIXED: special character treatment on email subject and body (thanks thirdriver)
FIXED: New event datetime missing correct post meta values
FIXED: Appearance not taking effect for standalone subscriber button
UPDATED: eventon 2.5 compatibility with styles and addon initiation
UPDATED: Repeating events notice for subscriber
v 1.2 (2016-8-15)
FIXED: New event email template text escaping
FIXED: Standalone subscriber button not working by itself
v 1.1 (20167-11)
FIXED: Standalone button lang variable not recognized
v 1.0 (2016-3-30)
ADDED: Mailchimp intergration for adding subscribers to email lists
ADDED: Be able to activate subscribers direct from all subscribers page
ADDED: Shortcode for standalone subscription button that can go anywhere
ADDED: verify subscription email text into language
FIXED: When subscription manager page deleted subscription verification link error
UPDATED: Emails to look similar to standard eventon email layout
v 0.6 (2016-1-13)
ADDED: Ability to actually trash subscriber or change subscription status
ADDED: Option to save subscribers as drafts
ADDED: Ability to restrict subscription only to loggedin users
ADDED: Subscription confirmation email text to language translations
ADDED: Ability to set custom link for new event email more information link
ADDED: Unsubscribe email confirmation to subscriber
FIXED: Unable to unsubcribe from the system
FIXED: New subscriber errors in creating subscriber post with no content
FIXED: Event type category not passing through to subscribers
FIXED: all day event showing time in new event email
v 0.5 (2015-10-23)
FIXED: Email exist is not getting checked correctly
FIXED: Subscriber button color not changing in appearance
UPDATED: Template files to load off child themes as well
UPDATED: Styles for the subcription form
UPDATED: Responsive styles for form
v 0.4 (2015-7-20)
FIXED: required fields missing error for some
UPDATED: Settings icons for eventon settings
v 0.3 (2015-6-30)
FIXED: New event email to go in as BCC without showing all emails
FIXED: Subscriber button not clickable
UPDATED: EventON 2.3.5 required for this version
v 0.2 (2015-4-21)
FIXED: All events wp-admin page error on columns
v0.1 (2015-3-25)
Initial release
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