How to Set Up and Use the Subscriber Addon
Last Updated: January 23, 2025
Are you looking for a reliable way to inform your audience about your events? Well, look no further! The Subscriber add-on gives you the capacity to inform your audience about your exciting events using the EventON subscription addon. The best part of all this is that the add-on is integrated with Mailchimp so that you can help to grow your lists automatically using simple buttons on your site.
Some of the features include:
- Receiving notification emails when new subscribers subscribe to your calendar
- Sending verification emails to verify subscription
- Activate subscription for subscribers with one click button on the backend
- A standalone button that can be dropped anywhere to prompt subscription form
- An option to trash subscribers or just change status when unsubscribed
- Restrict subscription only to registered and logged-in users
- Languages are also customizable via the EventON language settings
With that said, the effectiveness of the add-on also stretches to its custom capability. You can easily edit the appearance of the subscription buttons directly from EventON settings to match your website styles. Click, click, bang!
User Guide
From this guide, you’ll get to learn how to install and use the subscriber addon for your event calendar.
Before getting started, install and update the EventON plugin by downloading it from your CodeCanyon account.
You’d then need to install and activate the Subscriber addon by following this guide on how to install EventON add-ons.
Adding a subscription form to the front-end
It is pretty flawless to add the subscription form to the front-end of your website.
We are now going to cover how your viewers can subscribe to your calendar events from two different approaches whether they subscribe to particular event types, event locations, or event organizers.
#1: Subscribe from the calendar bottom
Use the shortcode [add_EventON subscriber=”yes”] to allow customers to subscribe from the bottom of the calendar. You can also append the parameter subscriber=”yes” to your current calendar shortcode.

#2: The Subscriber standalone button
Use the shortcode [evo_subscribe_btn] to show the subscriber standalone button, which can further be configured via shortcode generator >> Subscriber.

Subscription form
By clicking on any of the above subscription button options, you will open up Lightbox based subscription form, which can be configured from EventON Settings > Subscriber > Subscriber Form

Subscriber List
Subscribers joining via the subscription form will be added to your website as a custom post type evo-subscriber that can be found in Events > All Subscribers in wp-admin.
Subscriber Edit Post
You can edit the subscriber information further under each subscriber post.

New Event Email to Subscribers
Send an email to subscribers when a new event is published. To do this, you will see an Event Subscription feature in the Event Edit post page.
Enabling the button will auto-send the email to the subscriber list; only subscribers that have subscribed only to the event types and other categories that match that of the new event.

This can also be enabled to run auto via Subscriber Settings.

Cancel Event Email to Subscribers
To cancel event emails, enable this feature from the Subscriber settings.
Go to Subscriber Settings > Email Settings > Auto notify subscribers of event cancellation
Once this is set, when an event status is changed to cancel with the cancellation reason updated, every subscriber of that event will receive an email.

Preview All Emails
All the emails can be previewed from the settings; That’s Subscriber settings > Email Settings > Preview email templates situated at the bottom of the settings page.
HTML Email Template Override & Customization
All the email templates are in the ../templates folder inside add-on files.
You can copy these template files into ../–your-theme–folder–/EventON/subscriber/ for further customization through overrides.
NOTE: Make sure you confirm that the email templates are compatible with new version when the subscriber add-on is updated
MailChimp Integration
To achieve this, navigate to Subscriber Settings > Third Party and enable Mailchimp for subscribers.
Finding or generating your API key
To set up an integration with your Mailchimp account, you need to generate an API key.
Something worth noting is that users with Manager permissions can generate and view their own API keys, and users with Admin permissions can see API keys for other account users.
To do this:
- Navigate to the API Keys section of your Mailchimp account
- Copy an existing API key, or click the Create A Key button
Remember to name your key descriptively; what application uses that key?
You’d then follow instructions on the page including pasting the API key to allow subscribers to be added to a MailChimp-based email lists.
Subscribers into CSV
The Subscriber add-on for EventON gives you the privilege of downloading all the subscriber data as CSV file to use with other Third-party email programs. This is done from the Subscriber settings > General > Download (CSV)
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