General Guide to Using the Addon
Last Updated: February 21, 2025
Add subscription form to front-end
Subscription form can be added to front-end of your website quite easily. Below are 1 methods. Viewers of your calendar can subscribe to your calendar from these methods. They can subscriber to certain event types, event locations, event organizers.
1 Subscribe from calendar bottom
You can use shortcode like [add_eventon subscriber=”yes”] to allow customers to subscribe from bottom of the calendar which will appear like this.

2 Subscriber standalone button
Use the shortcode [evo_subscribe_btn] to show the subscriber standalone button. This can be further configured via shortcode generator > Subscriber.

Subscription form
Clicking on any of the above mentioned subscription button options will open up lightbox based subscription form. Which can be configured from EventON Settings > Subscriber > Subscriber Form

Subscriber List
Subscribers joining via the form will be added to your website as a custom post type evo-subscriber which can be found in Events > All Subscribers in wp-admin.
Subscriber Edit Post
Under each edit subscriber post, you can further edit subscriber information.

New Event Email to Subscribers
You can send an email to subscribers when a new event is published. To do this, you will see a box like the one below on the Event Edit post page. Enabling the button will send that email auto to the subscriber list, to those subscribers that have subscribed only to the event types and other categories that matched that of the new event.

This can also be enabled to run auto via Subscriber Settings.

Cancel Event Email to Subscribers
Enable this from Subscriber Settings > Email Settings > Auto notify subscribers of event cancellation
Once this is set, when an event status is changed to cancel with cancellation reason is updated, email will be sent to the subscribers of that event.

Preview All Emails
All the email can be previewed as to how they look in general via, Subscriber settings > Email Settings At the bottom of the settings page under Preview email templates.
HTML Email Template Override & Customization
All the email templates are in the ../templates folder inside addon files. You can copy these template files into ../–your-theme–folder–/eventon/subscriber/ and can be further edited.
NOTE: when changes are made to subscriber addon, be sure to check email templates are compatible with new version.
MailChimp Integration
Go to Subscriber Settings > Third Party and enable Mailchimp for subscriber. Then you can follow instructions on the page to paste API key to allow subscribers to be added into a mailchimp based email lists.
Subscribers into CSV
All the subscribers on your website can be downloaded as a CSV file from Subscriber settings > General > Download (CSV)
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