How to Sell Variations as Separate Tickets With the Ticket Variations & Options Addon

Last Updated: March 22, 2025

Would you like to create variable options with different prices for your events and be able to sell each one separately to create more flexibility for your guests while at the same time generating extra revenue? You are at the right place! The Ticket Variations and Options addon extends the Events Tickets addon and makes it super easy to create variations and gives your guests extra options that they can purchase along with the event ticket.

This addon is compatible with the Seats and Bookings addons.


In order to get started, you will need to have EventON, Event Tickets Addon, and Woocommerce installed and activated. You can get the EventON plugin by downloading it from your CodeCanyon account. You can follow our tutorial on how to install & activate EventON.

Next, you’ll need to install and activate Ticket Variations & Options by following our general guide on how to install EventOn addons.

User Guide

To get started, go to Events > Add Event and create a new event or edit an existing event.

Add a title for your event and optionally add a description and configure the rest of your event settings such as the Time and Date.

Toggle the option to enable event tickets.

Fill in your event ticket’s price and SKU which are required and the optional fields such as sale price and ticket detail. You can also enable the following additional options in this section:

  • Enable name your price – Guests will be able to enter their own price and override the one set above
  • Manage Ticket Stock – Enter the maximum available tickets that can be sold for this event
  • Show remaining tickets (Only for Woocommerce simple tickets) – This option displays the number of tickets that are available for sale. You can also set a custom limit
  • Show guest list for event on eventCard – Displays guest lists if any
  • Place ticket on out of stock – This option prevents the sale of tickets and displays an out of stock label on the event card
  • Sold Individually – This option limits the number of tickets that can be bought by each person to 1

Optionally, you can also enter a time minutes to stop selling the tickets before the event starts. You can also enter the ticket subtitle, short description, upload the ticket image and toggle the option to add a field that customers can use to submit inquiries on this section.

Click on the publish button to enable dynamic options and then reload the page.

Once the page is reloaded, the following dynamic ticket options will be exposed in this section:

Creating variations

Toggle the option to Enable ticket variations & options and click on VARIATIONS & OPTIONS SETTINGS button to expose additional settings as shown below:

Click on the +New variation type button to add a new variation(For the purpose of this tutorial, you can only create a single variation type). This will open a popup window where you can enter the ticket variation name and a comma-separated list of options(Option values should not contain hyphens or commas). Once you are done editing, click on the Add new button to save these options.

Click on +New variation button to configure the newly created variation options. This will open a popup window as shown below.

Repeat this step for all variation options that you had defined in the previous step.

Finally, enable the option to Sell Variations as separate ticket as shown below:

View the event on the front end.

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