How to cancel addon subscription before auto renew

Last Updated: February 21, 2025

Step 1:

Login into your account from and then head over to Subscriptions page.

Step 2:

Select a license you would like to cancel before it is renewed from the list of subscriptions. And then click Cancel to cancel the subscription from auto renewing.

This will change the status of the subscription to Pending Cancellation which means the license is still active until its expiration date and on its expiration date, it will be cancelled and you will not be charged.

Important Information About Subscriptions

# Pending Cancellation, means the license is still active and will be cancelled on its expiration date and will not be charged for renewal.

# Deleting payment method does not cancel a subscription. The subscription must be cancelled.

# If a subscription is not cancelled before its expiration date, it will be renewed automatically.

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