Adding Calendar to your site

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

After you have successfully installed EventON and activated EventON, follow the steps below to add an EventON calendar to your site.

METHOD #1 — Using shortcodes on the page

Step 1: Create events for calendar

What’s a calendar without events right? After you install and activate eventON you should see Events menu on left side panel on wp-admin where you can add events. Learn more about how to add events to eventON

Step 2: Add EventON calendar to pages: Shortcode method

Adding the calendar using the shortcode method is the easiest way. Follow the steps below to add EventON calendar to your site using the shortcode method.

  1. Go to Pages > All Pages  and click on the page you want to add EventON
  2. Within the block editor, search for the EventON block generator by typing /eventon
  3. Select the block and click on the [ Shortcode Generator ]
  4. From the pop-up easy shortcode options box select the type of calendar you want to add to your website. Depending on the type of the type of calendar you choose you will be prompted to enter additional settings.
  5. Once complete click [ ] button on the bottom right corner of shortcode generator popup box.
  6. You should now see a shortcode appear within your text block.

METHOD #2 — Add eventON calendar to pages (PHP Template Tag Method)

(For Advanced users) Template tag method require editing the PHP code of your website template. Open the page template in a text-editor and include the following PHP code where you desire to display the EventON calendar.

if( function_exists('add_eventon')) {
	$args = array(
		'shortcode_variable_name'=> 'shortcode_variable_value',

Another approach would be to use do_shortcode() wordpress function like below.

echo do_shortcode('[add_eventon event_type="23"]');

Read More about how to use template tag with parameters.

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