Changelog Event Reviewer
Last Updated: March 16, 2023
v 1.1 (2023-3-16)
ADDED: average rating value above rating data
ADDED: rating star text next to rating stars
FIXED: $event_pmv error resolved
FIXED: manual sync not updating new html content
FIXED: star size mismatch
FIXED: php 8.1 issues
UPDATED: layout and UI styles
v 1.0.5 (2021-2-18)
ADDED: integration with virtual events to leave review after live event
v 1.0.4 (2020-9-22)
FIXED: asset path to load styles via ssl urls
FIXED: new review notification email not working
v 1.0.3 (2020-3-26)
FIXED: get_rating_all_count function error
FIXED: font awesome version 5 compatibility with stars
UPDATED: styles on backend and frontend for the ratings
v 1.0.2 (2018-5-29)
FIXED: show all reviews not showing all reviews
v 1.0.1 (2018-1-25)
FIXED: View all reviews not working correct in admin
FIXED: Ajax sync error
FIXED: Frontend translations not passing correct
FIXED: error messages translation not working
FIXED: prefill name and email for loggedin user not working
v 1.0 (2017-11-17)
ADDED: main class instance
ADDED: All events reviews new shortcode [evo_reviews]
ADDED: ability to show only reviews from above certain rating for all events reviews
FIXED: Styles causing review navigation not working
v 0.8 (2017-9-28)
ADDED: Option to show all reviews as a list instead of scrolling view
FIXED: invalid call to eventon class
v 0.7 (2017-2-16)
FIXED: Couple of text string translation issues
v 0.6 (2017-2-14)
ADDED: Compatibility with eventon concatenate styles
FIXED: Use new eventon lightbox library
FIXED: review lightbox appearing behind lightbox event window
FIXED: Nonce error message translation
UPDATED: to a AJAX based review form
v 0.5 (2016-4-19)
FIXED: Remove usage of get_currentuserinfo() which is deprecated in WordPress 4.5
v 0.4 (2016-2-22)
FIXED: Incomplete review manager shortcode removed for the time being
v 0.3 (2015-12-10)
FIXED: Compatibility to eventon 2.3.13 for lightbox interaction
v 0.2 (2015-11-16)
ADDED: Terms and conditions link to form
FIXED: Missing translations in the reviewer form
v 0.1 (2015-9-29)
Initial release
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